

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:24:26

android Programming Glossary: smoothscrollto

ViewPager setCurrentItem(pageId, true) does NOT smoothscroll


This is what i did. I overrode the package private method smoothScrollTo in ViewPager by putting my own custom subclass in the same package... Context context AttributeSet attr super context attr void smoothScrollTo int x int y int velocity super.smoothScrollTo x y 1 It worked.. attr void smoothScrollTo int x int y int velocity super.smoothScrollTo x y 1 It worked great if you want you can calculate and provide..

Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling


2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return false class MyGestureDetector.. activeFeature items.size 1 activeFeature 1 items.size 1 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true left to right.. activeFeature activeFeature 0 activeFeature 1 0 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true catch Exception..

Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views


scroll views and I have enabled smooth scrolling and used smoothScrollTo etc instead to try to improve this but it's the same problem.. void onScrollY final int y mCurrentY y mVerticalScroll.smoothScrollTo 0 y XML layouts below if that's of any help The actual grid..

Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android


Extending ViewPager didn't work as the important method smoothScrollTo can't be overridden. I ended up fixing this by extending Scroller..

ViewPager setCurrentItem(pageId, true) does NOT smoothscroll


this android android layout share improve this question This is what i did. I overrode the package private method smoothScrollTo in ViewPager by putting my own custom subclass in the same package. It was being passed a value of zero which causes the.. MyViewPager Context context super context public MyViewPager Context context AttributeSet attr super context attr void smoothScrollTo int x int y int velocity super.smoothScrollTo x y 1 It worked great if you want you can calculate and provide actual velocity.. MyViewPager Context context AttributeSet attr super context attr void smoothScrollTo int x int y int velocity super.smoothScrollTo x y 1 It worked great if you want you can calculate and provide actual velocity ISO of just 1. share improve this answer..

Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling


getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth smoothScrollTo scrollTo 0 return true else return false class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean.. Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature items.size 1 activeFeature 1 items.size 1 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true left to right else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX.. SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature 0 activeFeature 1 0 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true catch Exception e nothing return false android scrollview horizontalscrollview..

Android: Synchronized scrolling of two different views


linearly on the UI thread I suppose.. All the views are scroll views and I have enabled smooth scrolling and used smoothScrollTo etc instead to try to improve this but it's the same problem nonetheless. The problem is especially noticeable on larger.. x y oldx oldy which leads to Handle vertical scroll public void onScrollY final int y mCurrentY y mVerticalScroll.smoothScrollTo 0 y XML layouts below if that's of any help The actual grid which is a horizontal scroll view wrapped in a vertical scroll..

Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android


pass the duration to the mScroller when requesting to scroll. Extending ViewPager didn't work as the important method smoothScrollTo can't be overridden. I ended up fixing this by extending Scroller with this code public class FixedSpeedScroller extends..