

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:37

android Programming Glossary: tab_1_tag

Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host?


public class Home extends FragmentActivity private static final String TAB_1_TAG tab_1 private static final String TAB_2_TAG tab_2 private static final String TAB_3_TAG tab_3 private static final String.. mTabHost.setup this getSupportFragmentManager R.id.realtabcontent mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec TAB_1_TAG .setIndicator Talk getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher TalkContainerFragment.class null mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher TalkContainerFragment.class null mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec TAB_1_TAG .setIndicator Talk TalkContainerFragment.class null mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec TAB_2_TAG .setIndicator Learn LearnContainerFragment.class..

How to use TabHost.OnTabChangeListener in android?


good sir myTabHost.setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId if TAB_1_TAG.equals tabId destroy earth if TAB_2_TAG.equals tabId destroy mars Where TAB_1_TAG is the tag provided to the newTabSpec..