

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:39

android Programming Glossary: target_device

Android 4.0 Sub-Title (section) Label Styling


How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android


data Note specify the target device for Activities with target_device meta data of universal phone tablet see UIUtils.java configureDeviceSpecificActivities.. android theme @style Theme.Accounts meta data android name target_device android value universal activity Activities for tablets activity.. android label @string app_name meta data android name target_device android value tablet The hard work is put in the method configureDeviceSpecificActivities..

Android 4.0 Sub-Title (section) Label Styling


How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android


the AndroidManifest.xml define Activity s to include the meta data Note specify the target device for Activities with target_device meta data of universal phone tablet see UIUtils.java configureDeviceSpecificActivities for more details. Activities for.. orientation keyboardHidden android label @string app_name android theme @style Theme.Accounts meta data android name target_device android value universal activity Activities for tablets activity android name .ui.CoolMultipaneActivity android label @string.. for tablets activity android name .ui.CoolMultipaneActivity android label @string app_name meta data android name target_device android value tablet The hard work is put in the method configureDeviceSpecificActivities Context context Enables and disables..