

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:51

android Programming Glossary: test.txt

Android FTP Library


file ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode ftpClient.storeFile test.txt buffIn buffIn.close ftpClient.logout ftpClient.disconnect ..

Reading a simple text file


simple text file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader.. My questions is Where should I place this test.txt file in my project . I have tried putting the file under res.. AssetManager am context.getAssets InputStream is am.open test.txt Or you can also put the file in the res raw directory where..

Android FileInputStream read() txt file to String


R.layout.main FileOutputStream fos try fos openFileOutput test.txt Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write testString.getBytes fos.close.. File file getBaseContext .getFileStreamPath test.txt if file.exists FileInputStream fis try fis openFileInput test.txt.. if file.exists FileInputStream fis try fis openFileInput test.txt fis.read readString.getBytes fis.close catch IOException e..

Android FTP Library


Reading a simple text file


I am using the below written code for reading the simple text file. 1. InputStream inputStream openFileInput test.txt 2. InputStreamReader inputStreamReader new InputStreamReader inputStream 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader.. 3. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader inputStreamReader My questions is Where should I place this test.txt file in my project . I have tried putting the file under res raw and asset folder but I get the exception FileNotFound when.. the Android project. Use AssetManager class to access it. AssetManager am context.getAssets InputStream is am.open test.txt Or you can also put the file in the res raw directory where the file will be indexed and is accessible by an id in the R..

Android FileInputStream read() txt file to String


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main FileOutputStream fos try fos openFileOutput test.txt Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write testString.getBytes fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException.. e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace File file getBaseContext .getFileStreamPath test.txt if file.exists FileInputStream fis try fis openFileInput test.txt fis.read readString.getBytes fis.close catch IOException.. File file getBaseContext .getFileStreamPath test.txt if file.exists FileInputStream fis try fis openFileInput test.txt fis.read readString.getBytes fis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace txtDate.setText String.valueOf readString..