

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:16

android Programming Glossary: theme.dialog

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?


I found the solution In your activity which has the Theme.Dialog style set do this @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time


name .ImageSelectionActivity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation.. label @string share_label android theme @android style Theme.Dialog INTENT FILTER ACTION android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. screenOrientation portrait android theme @android style Theme.Dialog activity android name .ViewInLayoutActivity android label @string..

Android Activity as a dialog


as dialog i defined activity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog now when i startActivity it display like dialog and parent activity..

How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size?


or something. It would be better to do this by extending Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game about when to..

Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog


style and just copy pasted it. This is the one style name Theme.Dialog item name android windowFrame @null item item name android windowTitleStyle..

Calling android dialog without it fading the background


this online style name doNotDim parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android backgroundDimAmount 0 item style but not sure..

How can I change the background of Android alert dialogs?


styles style name MyOpaqueActivity parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowBackground @drawable my_background item.. style style name MyOpaqueAlertDialog parent @android style Theme.Dialog.Alert item name android background #454545 item item name android..

android alert dialog from service [duplicate]


Cannot resolve MapActivity class on Android


label @string selectFile android theme @android style Theme.Dialog android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden activity android..

How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout)


style name CustomDialogTheme parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowBackground @color transparent_white..

how to control the width and height of default alert dialog in Android?


dialog. You just have to give android theme @android style Theme.Dialog in the android manifest.xml for your activity and can write..

Animate a custom Dialog


8 resources style name PauseDialog parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowAnimationStyle @style PauseDialogAnimation..

Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup


How do I set the maximum width of a ViewGroup I am using a Theme.Dialog activity however this does not look so good when resized to..

Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android


styles.xml file style name EmptyActivity parent android Theme.Dialog item name android windowIsTranslucent true item item name android..

Couldn't get connection factory client - fighting with Google Maps


label @string about_title android theme @android style Theme.Dialog activity activity android name .Exit andorid label @string exit_title..

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?


as well android gui dialog share improve this question I found the solution In your activity which has the Theme.Dialog style set do this @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView..

Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time


android screenOrientation portrait activity android name .ImageSelectionActivity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden.. portrait activity android name .SendTo android label @string share_label android theme @android style Theme.Dialog INTENT FILTER ACTION android name android.intent.action.MAIN CATEGORY android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER INTENT.. android label @string create_account_label android screenOrientation portrait android theme @android style Theme.Dialog activity android name .ViewInLayoutActivity android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait..

Android Activity as a dialog


dialog share improve this question to Start activity as dialog i defined activity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog now when i startActivity it display like dialog and parent activity display on back i wan a button to whom i click dialog..

How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size?


engine must set them the first time the dialog is shown or something. It would be better to do this by extending Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game about when to call setAttributes. Although it's a bit more work to have the..

Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog


So I checked the Android git tree and got the default style and just copy pasted it. This is the one style name Theme.Dialog item name android windowFrame @null item item name android windowTitleStyle @android style DialogWindowTitle item item name..

Calling android dialog without it fading the background


I would like to be shown as a backdrop to the dialog. I found this online style name doNotDim parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android backgroundDimAmount 0 item style but not sure how to apply that to my dialog I have a class called public..

How can I change the background of Android alert dialogs?


opaque background instead very unsuccessfully. These are my styles style name MyOpaqueActivity parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowBackground @drawable my_background item item name android alertDialogStyle @style MyOpaqueAlertDialog.. android alertDialogStyle @style MyOpaqueAlertDialog item style style name MyOpaqueAlertDialog parent @android style Theme.Dialog.Alert item name android background #454545 item item name android windowBackground @drawable my_background item item name..

android alert dialog from service [duplicate]


Cannot resolve MapActivity class on Android


activity android name .sensors.DataListActivity android label @string selectFile android theme @android style Theme.Dialog android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden activity android name .sensors.Upload android label @string app_name_uploader..

How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout)


file below that I've used xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name CustomDialogTheme parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowBackground @color transparent_white item item name android windowIsFloating false item item name..

how to control the width and height of default alert dialog in Android?


do this I think you can do it by creating your own custom dialog. You just have to give android theme @android style Theme.Dialog in the android manifest.xml for your activity and can write the whole layout as per your requirement. you can set the height..

Animate a custom Dialog


be located in res values . xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name PauseDialog parent @android style Theme.Dialog item name android windowAnimationStyle @style PauseDialogAnimation item style style name PauseDialogAnimation item name..

Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup


a maximum width on a ViewGroup How do I set the maximum width of a ViewGroup I am using a Theme.Dialog activity however this does not look so good when resized to bigger screens it's also sort of lightweight and I don't want..

Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android


make it invisible. This is how you define this style in the styles.xml file style name EmptyActivity parent android Theme.Dialog item name android windowIsTranslucent true item item name android windowAnimationStyle @android style Animation.Toast item..

Couldn't get connection factory client - fighting with Google Maps


intent filter activity activity android name .About android label @string about_title android theme @android style Theme.Dialog activity activity android name .Exit andorid label @string exit_title activity activity android name .Options activity activity..