

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:32

android Programming Glossary: times

Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?


with the activity and could possibly be destroyed many times as the activity is destroyed during screen orientation changes..

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


some of the erratic behavior of a group expanding sometimes and not other times. However there are contacts that are being.. behavior of a group expanding sometimes and not other times. However there are contacts that are being displayed under a..

How to set ringtone in Android from my activity?


number can get really high as you do this operation many times. Do i need to delete this row my self Problem is that some times.. Do i need to delete this row my self Problem is that some times i dont even controll the deleting of the file since it can be..

Android multiple email attachments using Intent


android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM uri multiple times it failed to work. None of the attachment show up in the email... then call putExtra EXTRA_STREAM uri multiple times to attach multiple images but I got the same erroneous result..

SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently


listener is not always called. It works for the first few times a preference is changed and then it is no longer called until..

Detect application heap size in Android


indicated in getMemoryClass i.e. approximately a million times the latter value . The only situation of which I am aware for..

How to Read MMS Data in Android?


So if you want to remove the loop it will work most of the times. This is how the getMmsText method looks like private String..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


During my test I cycled through all the categories for 5 times which seems enough to determine that there is no problem. In.. I went through all the categories a substantial number of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for..

Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android


failed exception. You can pair find the device at all times manually on the phone... It does require a passcode but I don't..

How to hook into the Power button in Android?


Note It is worth noting that onKeyDown will fire multiple times before onKeyLongPress does so you may want to trigger on onKeyUp..

Enable GPS programatically like Tasker


off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy..

Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout


The app has been debugged in the past on that device many times app is live on Market but this problem happens every so often..

Android post picture to Facebook wall


The default value null was returned. Shows several times underneath each other. What am I doing wrong SOLVED. This is..

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)


implementing Android Feedback. This was also one of the times the API method arguments changed. For at least a long while..

ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping


sure you can potentially scroll to the left and right many times. https github.com antonyt InfiniteViewPager share improve this..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


is high enough to load your desired fragments at all times since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading..

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One”


like this but this question has been asked enough times and it seems like a reasonable enough request that I thought..

Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?


cycle of your app where as the Activity context is associated with the activity and could possibly be destroyed many times as the activity is destroyed during screen orientation changes and such. I couldn't find really anything about when to use..

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


null This definitely makes more sense and does not exhibit some of the erratic behavior of a group expanding sometimes and not other times. However there are contacts that are being displayed under a group that they don't belong to. And also.. makes more sense and does not exhibit some of the erratic behavior of a group expanding sometimes and not other times. However there are contacts that are being displayed under a group that they don't belong to. And also some groups that..

How to set ringtone in Android from my activity?


first. Anyway how does mediastore maintain its ids This number can get really high as you do this operation many times. Do i need to delete this row my self Problem is that some times i dont even controll the deleting of the file since it.. can get really high as you do this operation many times. Do i need to delete this row my self Problem is that some times i dont even controll the deleting of the file since it can be deleted directly from the sdcard with a filebrowser. share..

Android multiple email attachments using Intent


multiple images attached to the same mail by calling Intent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM uri multiple times it failed to work. None of the attachment show up in the email. I searched the SDK documentation and Android programming.. for this command. I tried to declare intent with ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE then call putExtra EXTRA_STREAM uri multiple times to attach multiple images but I got the same erroneous result just like before none of the attachment show up in the email...

SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently


prefs String key System.out.println key The trouble is the listener is not always called. It works for the first few times a preference is changed and then it is no longer called until I uninstall and reinstall the app. No amount of restarting..

Detect application heap size in Android


typically return about the same number of megabytes as are indicated in getMemoryClass i.e. approximately a million times the latter value . The only situation of which I am aware for which the two methods can diverge is on a rooted device running..

How to Read MMS Data in Android?


different parts of text... but usually it'd be only one. So if you want to remove the loop it will work most of the times. This is how the getMmsText method looks like private String getMmsText String id Uri partURI Uri.parse content mms part..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


I can freely browse all the categories and show their images. During my test I cycled through all the categories for 5 times which seems enough to determine that there is no problem. In scenario 2 my arrayList contains 10 drawables. In this scenario.. would have expected to crash at some point in scenario 1 but I went through all the categories a substantial number of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for Eclipse which didn't present any potential culprits. If the..

Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android


wrong... But I'm not sure why I get the service discovery failed exception. You can pair find the device at all times manually on the phone... It does require a passcode but I don't think that is the problem that I am having. java android..

How to hook into the Power button in Android?


return true return super.onKeyLongPress keyCode event Note It is worth noting that onKeyDown will fire multiple times before onKeyLongPress does so you may want to trigger on onKeyUp instead or other logic to prevent acting upon a series..

Enable GPS programatically like Tasker


like Tasker I know that the question about turning on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen..

Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout


to Failed to install apk on device 'emulator 5554' timeout The app has been debugged in the past on that device many times app is live on Market but this problem happens every so often and is VERY FRUSTRATING... Any help would be greatly appreciated..

Android post picture to Facebook wall


1891 Key method expected byte but value was a java.lang.String. The default value null was returned. Shows several times underneath each other. What am I doing wrong SOLVED. This is what I did to make it work facebook.authorize this new String..

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)


determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app for implementing Android Feedback. This was also one of the times the API method arguments changed. For at least a long while after it was introduced Market still didn't use it to track..

ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping


ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


not you personally. Just make sure that the offscreenPageLimit is high enough to load your desired fragments at all times since you rely on it being present. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager but seems to be what you desire..

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One”


it is by no means guaranteed. Normally I wouldn't condone something like this but this question has been asked enough times and it seems like a reasonable enough request that I thought I would post my solution. A modified Spinner that doesn't automatically..