

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:37

android Programming Glossary: together

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager


Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments?


no modification needed . As expected you join all this together by 1 creating an object that instantiate MyFragmentPagerAdapter..

Is there any way to run Python on Android?


anybody know a way to let the snake and the robot work together python android ase android scripting share improve this question..

Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?


when it comes to Contexts in Android but you can piece together a few facts from various sources. This blog post on the official..

AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader


improve this question Apparently using the three classes together CursorLoader LoaderManager MultiAutoCompleteTextView and Tokenizer..

Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps


source code of a test activity which glues all this together package com.circlegate.testapp import com.circlegate.tt.cg.an.lib.map.MapWrapperLayout..

Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically


improve this question From what I've been able to piece together you have to add the view using LayoutParams. LinearLayout linearLayout..

How can i get the resource id of an image if I know its name?


Defining custom attrs


the values need to be defined so they can be bit ored together attr name my_flag_attr flag name fuzzy value 0x01 flag name..

Android SQLite database: slow insertion


.insert TABLE_NAME _id values . All of this together takes about 80 seconds for the 152KB test file which comes down..

How to disable Mobile Data on Android


know how accurate this is but this was all I could piece together browsing developer.android.com ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager..

WebView and HTML5 <video>


and HTML5 video I'm piecing together a cheapo app that amongst other things frames some of our websites.....

Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android


... com.test.ObservableScrollView Finally we put it all together in the Layout class. package com.test import android.app.Activity..

Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml?


the chart. Of course other user interface components go together with this layout ChartDemo layout xy_chart.xml near Line 27..

Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method


say like this ... SomeClass.final And the two cannot work together as they operate on different data spaces instance data and class..

Android post JSON using HTTP


String pairs2.getValue puts email and 'foo@bar.com' together in map holder.put key data return holder Please feel free to..

Java 7 language features with Android


way to do that aside from recompiling the whole Android together. But you don't need to use Eclipse. For instance Android Studio..

Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger


that helps... fun stuff to play around with. Edit I threw together a quick project demonstrating these different techniques including..

Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices


ones with proper Exif tag and also improper exif tags work together .. So the issue is on some newer devices there's a bug that..

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager


a Fragment from a ViewPager I'm using a ViewPager together with a FragmentStatePagerAdapter to host three different fragments..

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager


Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments?


fragments you can use whatever Fragments you already have no modification needed . As expected you join all this together by 1 creating an object that instantiate MyFragmentPagerAdapter and 2 setting the adapter to your ViewPager object to be..

Is there any way to run Python on Android?


official about Python on Android but since Jython exists does anybody know a way to let the snake and the robot work together python android ase android scripting share improve this question How about Kivy http kivy.org Open source Python library..

Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?


improve this question I agree that documentation is sparse when it comes to Contexts in Android but you can piece together a few facts from various sources. This blog post on the official Google Android developers blog was written mostly to help..

AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader


stringtokenizer android cursorloader share improve this question Apparently using the three classes together CursorLoader LoaderManager MultiAutoCompleteTextView and Tokenizer has not been tried yet at least not so far that I know...

Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps


com.circlegate.tt.cg.an.lib.map.MapWrapperLayout And finally source code of a test activity which glues all this together package com.circlegate.testapp import com.circlegate.tt.cg.an.lib.map.MapWrapperLayout import com.circlegate.tt.cg.an.lib.map.OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener..

Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically


tv2 lp android layout view relativelayout share improve this question From what I've been able to piece together you have to add the view using LayoutParams. LinearLayout linearLayout new LinearLayout this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams..

How can i get the resource id of an image if I know its name?


Defining custom attrs


enum name value2 value 2 attr flag attributes are similar except the values need to be defined so they can be bit ored together attr name my_flag_attr flag name fuzzy value 0x01 flag name cold value 0x02 attr In addition to attributes there is the..

Android SQLite database: slow insertion


SQLite database using calls similar to the following getWritableDatabase .insert TABLE_NAME _id values . All of this together takes about 80 seconds for the 152KB test file which comes down to inserting roughly 200 rows . When I comment out all insert..

How to disable Mobile Data on Android


this. The only thing I have found is the following. I don't know how accurate this is but this was all I could piece together browsing developer.android.com ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager this.getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE cm.stopUsingNetworkFeature..

WebView and HTML5 <video>


and HTML5 video I'm piecing together a cheapo app that amongst other things frames some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient... until I hit..

Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android


com.test.ObservableScrollView android id @ id scrollview1 ... ... com.test.ObservableScrollView Finally we put it all together in the Layout class. package com.test import android.app.Activity import android.os.Bundle public class Q3948934 extends..

Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml?


.xml file we have defined the following as a placeholder for the chart. Of course other user interface components go together with this layout ChartDemo layout xy_chart.xml near Line 27 LinearLayout android id @ id chart android layout_width fill_parent..

Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method


static method field can be called only on the type directly say like this ... SomeClass.final And the two cannot work together as they operate on different data spaces instance data and class data Let me try and explain. Consider this class psuedocode..

Android post JSON using HTTP


pairs2 Map.Entry iter2.next data.put String pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email and 'foo@bar.com' together in map holder.put key data return holder Please feel free to comment on any questions that arise about this post or if I..

Java 7 language features with Android


You could recompile ADT but I find there is no simple way to do that aside from recompiling the whole Android together. But you don't need to use Eclipse. For instance Android Studio 0.3.2 IntelliJ IDEA CE and other javac based IDEs supports..

Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger


this becomes computationally intensive to calculate. Hope that helps... fun stuff to play around with. Edit I threw together a quick project demonstrating these different techniques including Square's suggessted signature implementation. Enjoy https..

Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices


a way to implement the ExifInformation so that both devices ones with proper Exif tag and also improper exif tags work together .. So the issue is on some newer devices there's a bug that makes the picture taken saved in your app folder without proper..

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager


a Fragment from a ViewPager I'm using a ViewPager together with a FragmentStatePagerAdapter to host three different fragments Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 When I want to get Fragment1..