

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:44

android Programming Glossary: touchstart

How can I prevent wild scrolling when a fixed position text input form field gains focus?


able to prevent the wild page scrolling by catching the touchstart event on my overlay element and calling preventDefault . This.. this madness was caused by a sequence of events like this touchstart bubbles up to the document root browser sees touchstart where.. touchstart bubbles up to the document root browser sees touchstart where the duplicate input field was placed browser gives focus..

Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection


comment I still need to be able to trigger events notably touchstart touchmove and touchend on the elements. I would simply would..

Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault


console.log Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove'.. document.querySelector '#status' target.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event haltEvent event status.innerHTML ' touchstart.. function event haltEvent event status.innerHTML ' touchstart ' true target.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event pause..

touchend event doesn't work on Android


var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches.. this bug you have to call preventDefault on either the touchstart or first touchmove event. Of course this prevents the native..

How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements?


.indexOf android 1 .my button .bind touchstart function this .addClass fake active .bind touchend function..

iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser


'Field10' selectField.addEventListener 'touchstart' 'mousedown' function e e.stopPropagation false That code will.. are defined. Note that for mobile devices the event is touchstart but for your PC browser it will be mousedown share improve..

Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS


.extend proto _mouseInit function this.element .bind touchstart. this.widgetName .proxy this _touchStart _mouseInit.apply this..

Is there a way to remove the clicking lag on mobile touch devices?


While reading online I found out that the browser is using touchstart followed by touchend events and afterwards it triggers the regular.. a web page your self you can register a listener for touchstart and touchend and trigger the onclick code directly from on touch..

How can I prevent wild scrolling when a fixed position text input form field gains focus?


overlay while the dialog is open. Interestingly I was also able to prevent the wild page scrolling by catching the touchstart event on my overlay element and calling preventDefault . This makes me wonder if all this madness was caused by a sequence.. and calling preventDefault . This makes me wonder if all this madness was caused by a sequence of events like this touchstart bubbles up to the document root browser sees touchstart where the duplicate input field was placed browser gives focus to.. all this madness was caused by a sequence of events like this touchstart bubbles up to the document root browser sees touchstart where the duplicate input field was placed browser gives focus to the input field soft keyboard appears to allow typing..

Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection


function '.notSelectable' .disableSelection Per your message comment I still need to be able to trigger events notably touchstart touchmove and touchend on the elements. I would simply would use a wrapper that is not affected by this plugin yet it's..

Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault


var touchCancel function e e.preventDefault Oh NO touch cancel console.log Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart.. var target document.querySelector '#target' var status document.querySelector '#status' target.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event haltEvent event status.innerHTML ' touchstart ' true target.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event.. '#status' target.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event haltEvent event status.innerHTML ' touchstart ' true target.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event pause haltEvent event status.innerHTML ' touchmove ' true target.addEventListener..

touchend event doesn't work on Android


attachTouchEvents console document.getElementById console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord .innerHTML S touch.pageX.. code.google.com p android issues detail id 19827 To workaround this bug you have to call preventDefault on either the touchstart or first touchmove event. Of course this prevents the native scrolling so you will need to re implement that yourself. ..

How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements?


Then in your document ready event add this code if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf android 1 .my button .bind touchstart function this .addClass fake active .bind touchend function this .removeClass fake active This has the advantage of using..

iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser


So here's a better workaround var selectField document.getElementById 'Field10' selectField.addEventListener 'touchstart' 'mousedown' function e e.stopPropagation false That code will allow the default behavior to occur without propagating the..

Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS


return var proto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit proto._mouseInit .extend proto _mouseInit function this.element .bind touchstart. this.widgetName .proxy this _touchStart _mouseInit.apply this arguments _touchStart function event if event.originalEvent.targetTouches.length..

Is there a way to remove the clicking lag on mobile touch devices?


else that is made clickable using javascript jquery . While reading online I found out that the browser is using touchstart followed by touchend events and afterwards it triggers the regular click event. Is there a way to have a more responsive.. mobile webkit share improve this question if you are writing a web page your self you can register a listener for touchstart and touchend and trigger the onclick code directly from on touch end without any delay. If you don`t handle the event in..

Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault


that senses the touch from the user and drags and object along the canvas. So I'm doing something like this var touchStart function e e.preventDefault Do stuff var touchMove function e e.preventDefault console.log Touch move Move objs var touchEnd.. function e e.preventDefault Oh NO touch cancel console.log Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false.. Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchcancel' touchStart false..

Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS


use with any touch device fixed breakage caused by jquery.ui so that mouseHandled internal flag is reset before each touchStart event function .support.touch typeof Touch 'object' if .support.touch return var proto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit proto._mouseInit.. proto._mouseInit .extend proto _mouseInit function this.element .bind touchstart. this.widgetName .proxy this _touchStart _mouseInit.apply this arguments _touchStart function event if event.originalEvent.targetTouches.length 1 return false.. function this.element .bind touchstart. this.widgetName .proxy this _touchStart _mouseInit.apply this arguments _touchStart function event if event.originalEvent.targetTouches.length 1 return false this.element .bind touchmove. this.widgetName..