

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:04

android Programming Glossary: uri_scheme

Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update


bind successfully public static final String URI_SCHEME ussd public static final String URI_AUTHORITY g_el.net public.. store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter.. filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_DELETE filter.addDataScheme URI_SCHEME filter.addDataAuthority URI_AUTHORITY null filter.addDataPath..

USSD service not working


bind successfully public static final String URI_SCHEME ussd public static final String URI_AUTHORITY g_el.net public.. store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter.. filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_DELETE filter.addDataScheme URI_SCHEME filter.addDataAuthority URI_AUTHORITY null filter.addDataPath..

Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget


your PendingIntent Uri data Uri.withAppendedPath Uri.parse URI_SCHEME widget id String.valueOf appWidgetId intent.setData data The.. appWidgetId intent.setData data The variable URI_SCHEME is a String and can be whatever you'd like.. ie ABCD This causes..

Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update


public static final String LOG_STAMP USSDTestExtendedNetworkService bind successfully public static final String URI_SCHEME ussd public static final String URI_AUTHORITY g_el.net public static final String URI_PATH public static final String URI_PAR.. to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter URI_PAR text.toString .build sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT.. new IntentFilter filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_INSERT filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_DELETE filter.addDataScheme URI_SCHEME filter.addDataAuthority URI_AUTHORITY null filter.addDataPath URI_PATH PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL registerReceiver mReceiver..

USSD service not working


public static final String LOG_STAMP USSDTestExtendedNetworkService bind successfully public static final String URI_SCHEME ussd public static final String URI_AUTHORITY g_el.net public static final String URI_PATH public static final String URI_PAR.. to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString store s to the Uri uri new Uri.Builder .scheme URI_SCHEME .authority URI_AUTHORITY .path URI_PATH .appendQueryParameter URI_PAR text.toString .build sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT.. new IntentFilter filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_INSERT filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_DELETE filter.addDataScheme URI_SCHEME filter.addDataAuthority URI_AUTHORITY null filter.addDataPath URI_PATH PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL registerReceiver mReceiver..

Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget


Just add this to your config activity where you set your PendingIntent Uri data Uri.withAppendedPath Uri.parse URI_SCHEME widget id String.valueOf appWidgetId intent.setData data The variable URI_SCHEME is a String and can be whatever you'd like.... data Uri.withAppendedPath Uri.parse URI_SCHEME widget id String.valueOf appWidgetId intent.setData data The variable URI_SCHEME is a String and can be whatever you'd like.. ie ABCD This causes each widget to have a unique PendingIntent. share improve..