

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:24

android Programming Glossary: vnd.android.cursor.dir

Android How to send multiple contacts are attached in single .vcf file and send to mail?


new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND sharingIntent.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir email sharingIntent.setType application x vcard sharingIntent.putExtra.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND sharingIntent.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir email sharingIntent.setType application x vcard sharingIntent.putExtra..

How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)?


Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType targetUri vnd.android.cursor.dir image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


of events private static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static.. private static final String CONTENT_TYPE1 vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static.. private static final String CONTENT_TYPE2 vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static..

How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android?


of calls. public static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.dir calls The MIME type of a @link #CONTENT_URI sub directory of..

Android Launching Contacts Application


i4.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT i4.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir phone startActivity i4 Error http variable3.com files screenshots..

Custom fields on new contact


android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType vnd.android.cursor.dir contact intent filter activity Now when the user click to add..

Android How to send multiple contacts are attached in single .vcf file and send to mail?


private void data File filelocation file Intent sharingIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND sharingIntent.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir email sharingIntent.setType application x vcard sharingIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse file filelocation.. void data File filelocation filevcf Intent sharingIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND sharingIntent.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir email sharingIntent.setType application x vcard sharingIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL mail@gmail.com sharingIntent.putExtra..

How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)?


String.valueOf folderBucketId .build Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType targetUri vnd.android.cursor.dir image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging the ACTION_VIEW intent handling of the app when it..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


private static final int QUADUSER_ID 2 The MIME type of a directory of events private static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.item.. final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.item vnd.example.brown private static final String CONTENT_TYPE1 vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE1 vnd.android.cursor.item.. final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE1 vnd.android.cursor.item vnd.example.brown private static final String CONTENT_TYPE2 vnd.android.cursor.dir vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE2 vnd.android.cursor.item..

How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android?


#CONTENT_URI and @link #CONTENT_FILTER_URI providing a directory of calls. public static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.android.cursor.dir calls The MIME type of a @link #CONTENT_URI sub directory of a single call. public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE..

Android Launching Contacts Application


View arg0 Intent i4 new Intent i4.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW i4.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT i4.setType vnd.android.cursor.dir phone startActivity i4 Error http variable3.com files screenshots 2011 04 26_1239.png android android intent contactscontract..

Custom fields on new contact


name android.intent.action.INSERT category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType vnd.android.cursor.dir contact intent filter activity Now when the user click to add a new contact he will be shown 2 options. One will be your..