

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:41

android Programming Glossary: working.

Extending ArrayAdapter in android


is working perfectly. I checked it with Log.i .. but the drop down list for auto complete suggestion in UI is not working.. i only get for the first character i type the next character filtering takes place but UI update is not taking place. ..

Screen Capture in android


duttas screen shot..But with out using root..and does any one had koushik dutta screenshot application which is working.. is not working for me..please let me know..thanks in advance. android screenshot share improve this question I think..

ksoap timeout behind proxy in android


ksoap envelope share improve this question Ksoap does not work behind a proxy. inorder to make that working.. download the HttpTransportSE.java and ServiceConnectionSE.java from sourceforge. Create a package with HttpTransportSE..

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cursoradapter with different row layouts


got this working but I want to choose what rowlayout to use depending on some data in the cursor and I can't get that working.. anybody got some ideas @Override public int getItemViewType int position return position 2 @Override public int getViewTypeCount..

deprecated thread methods are not supported


my other welcome custom dialog is display. but making that following error occurs but my application doesn't stop working.. LogCat displays these errors. Application Code final Dialog d new Dialog Main.this d.setContentView R.layout.SplashScreen..