

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:28:13

android Programming Glossary: zoomcontrols

How to layout zoom Control with setBuiltInZoomControls(true)?


to layout zoom Control with setBuiltInZoomControls true would like to add a zoom control to the map. I also want.. Could anyone tell me how to do this with setBuildtInZoomControls android android mapview share improve this question This.. layout . mapView MapView this.findViewById R.id.mapView ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener..

Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude?


mapView MapView findViewById R.id.mapview mZoom ZoomControls mapView.getZoomControls linearLayout.addView mZoom mapView.setOnTouchListener.. findViewById R.id.mapview mZoom ZoomControls mapView.getZoomControls linearLayout.addView mZoom mapView.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener..

MapView adding pushpins on touch


int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 10 ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener.. 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 10 ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener..

How to control zoom in webView


.setSupportZoom true webView.getSettings .setBuiltInZoomControls true webView.getSettings .setDefaultZoom WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR.. dont use default zoomin controll. In your xml file set.. ZoomControls android id @ id zoomctrl android layout_width wrap_content android.. and now. in your activity Declare and initialize ZoomControls zc class CurOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint pointToDraw..

Always show zoom controls on a MapView


using map MapView findViewById R.id.map map.setBuiltInZoomControls true but the zoom controls fade in and out. I want them to always.. improve this question Solved this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls android id @ id zoomcontrols android.. this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls android id @ id zoomcontrols android layout_width wrap_content..

zooming image in viewflipper


you can do this but a simple way is to use the platform's ZoomControls widget which is a simple widget consisting of a button. You.. and an onZoomOutClickListener to handle touches to the ZoomControls widget. In your handler you can scale your image. Here's some.. do the zooming iv ImageView findViewById R.id.imageview zc ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoom_controls zc.setOnZoomInClickListener..

How to layout zoom Control with setBuiltInZoomControls(true)?


to layout zoom Control with setBuiltInZoomControls true would like to add a zoom control to the map. I also want to layout the position of the zoom Control instead of the.. position. I can do this by getZoomControl but it is deprecated. Could anyone tell me how to do this with setBuildtInZoomControls android android mapview share improve this question This is how I got mine working finally by embedding a ZoomControl.. I got mine working finally by embedding a ZoomControl in XML layout . mapView MapView this.findViewById R.id.mapView ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener new OnClickListener public..

Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude?


R.layout.main linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.zoomview mapView MapView findViewById R.id.mapview mZoom ZoomControls mapView.getZoomControls linearLayout.addView mZoom mapView.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener public boolean onTouch.. LinearLayout findViewById R.id.zoomview mapView MapView findViewById R.id.mapview mZoom ZoomControls mapView.getZoomControls linearLayout.addView mZoom mapView.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event..

MapView adding pushpins on touch


0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 10 ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener new View.OnClickListener.. coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 10 ZoomControls zoomControls ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoomcontrols zoomControls.setOnZoomInClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View..

How to control zoom in webView


webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.getSettings .setSupportZoom true webView.getSettings .setBuiltInZoomControls true webView.getSettings .setDefaultZoom WebSettings.ZoomDensity.FAR webView.getSettings .setLoadWithOverviewMode true webView.getSettings.. this question if you want to controll zoomin zoom out then dont use default zoomin controll. In your xml file set.. ZoomControls android id @ id zoomctrl android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android gravity top center_horizontal.. layout_height wrap_content android gravity top center_horizontal and now. in your activity Declare and initialize ZoomControls zc class CurOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint pointToDraw public void setPointToDraw GeoPoint point pointToDraw point..

Always show zoom controls on a MapView


the zoom controls on a MapView I have added the zoom controls using map MapView findViewById R.id.map map.setBuiltInZoomControls true but the zoom controls fade in and out. I want them to always be visible. android android mapview share improve this.. want them to always be visible. android android mapview share improve this question Solved this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls android id @ id zoomcontrols android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. android android mapview share improve this question Solved this by putting my own ZoomControls in my layout xml ZoomControls android id @ id zoomcontrols android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content and then setting up onClickListeners..

zooming image in viewflipper


share improve this question There are a number of ways you can do this but a simple way is to use the platform's ZoomControls widget which is a simple widget consisting of a button. You can attach onZoomInClickListener and an onZoomOutClickListener.. consisting of a button. You can attach onZoomInClickListener and an onZoomOutClickListener to handle touches to the ZoomControls widget. In your handler you can scale your image. Here's some sample code that uses a ScaleAnimation to do the zooming iv.. Here's some sample code that uses a ScaleAnimation to do the zooming iv ImageView findViewById R.id.imageview zc ZoomControls findViewById R.id.zoom_controls zc.setOnZoomInClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v float oldZoom..