

c# Programming Glossary: deleteobject

How to get screenshot to include the invoking window (on XP)


bmp Bitmap.FromHbitmap hBmp SelectObject hDest hOldBmp DeleteObject hBmp DeleteDC hDest ReleaseDC hDesk hSrce bmp.Save @ c temp.. IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr DeleteObject IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleBitmap..

Convert System.Drawing.Icon to System.Media.ImageSource


gdi32.dll SetLastError true private static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject public static ImageSource ToImageSource this.. Int32Rect.Empty BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions if DeleteObject hBitmap throw new Win32Exception return wpfBitmap Then you..

WPF CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap memory leak


Bitmap.GetHbitmap You are responsible for calling the GDI DeleteObject method to free the memory used by the GDI bitmap object. so.. gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject your code using System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp new.. finally DeleteObject hBitmap I also replaced your Dispose call by an using statement...

Saving a screenshot of a window using C#, WPF, and DWM


handle hdcSrc Image image Image.FromHbitmap hBitmap Gdi32.DeleteObject hBitmap return image The Gdi32 class public class Gdi32 DllImport.. IntPtr hDC DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern IntPtr..

WebBrowser.DrawToBitmap() or other methods?


handle hdcSrc Image image Image.FromHbitmap hBitmap Gdi32.DeleteObject hBitmap return image The Gdi32 class public class Gdi32 DllImport.. IntPtr hDC DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern IntPtr..

Capture screenshot Including Semitransparent windows in .NET


bmp Bitmap.FromHbitmap hBmp SelectObject hDest hOldBmp DeleteObject hBmp DeleteDC hDest ReleaseDC hDesk hSrce bmp.Save @ c temp.. IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr DeleteObject IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleBitmap..

C# Drag-and-Drop: Show the dragged item while dragging


pIconInfo DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr handle DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto extern.. CreateIconIndirect ref tmp if tmp.hbmColor IntPtr.Zero DeleteObject tmp.hbmColor if tmp.hbmMask IntPtr.Zero DeleteObject tmp.hbmMask.. DeleteObject tmp.hbmColor if tmp.hbmMask IntPtr.Zero DeleteObject tmp.hbmMask if ptr IntPtr.Zero DestroyIcon ptr return new Cursor..

How to take a screenshot of a Full Size window in C#


Image.FromHbitmap hBitmap free up the Bitmap object GDI32.DeleteObject hBitmap return img summary Helper class containing Gdi32 API.. IntPtr hDC DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject DllImport gdi32.dll public static extern IntPtr..

Use native HBitmap in C# while preserving alpha channel/transparency


null managedBitmap.Dispose NativeMethods.DeleteObject nativeHBitmap internal static class NativeMethods StructLayout.. lpObject DllImport gdi32.dll internal static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject c# bitmap gdi alpha transparency hbitmap ..

Entity Framework 4 Delete Object from entity collection


the Request.Properties collection and call a remove or a DeleteObject on the item the enumeration fails because the collection has.. newRequest.Properties.Count 0 context.RequestPropertySet.DeleteObject newRequest.Properties.First else break Since this is not really..

Converting BitmapImage to Bitmap and vice versa


gdi32.dll public static extern bool DeleteObject IntPtr hObject private BitmapImage Bitmap2BitmapImage Bitmap..