

c# Programming Glossary: destinationtype

Data bind enum properties to grid and display description


culture object value System.Type destinationType if destinationType typeof string return abc value.ToString.. culture object value System.Type destinationType if destinationType typeof string return abc value.ToString your code here return.. code here return base.ConvertTo context culture value destinationType public class TestResult public string TestDescription get set..

Implicit version of IsAssignableFrom?


static bool ImplicitlyConvertsTo this Type type Type destinationType if type destinationType return true return from method in type.GetMethods.. this Type type Type destinationType if type destinationType return true return from method in type.GetMethods BindingFlags.Static..

Comparing object properties in c#


object comparisonObject Type sourceType this.GetType Type destinationType comparisonObject.GetType if sourceType destinationType PropertyInfo.. destinationType comparisonObject.GetType if sourceType destinationType PropertyInfo sourceProperties sourceType.GetProperties foreach.. if sourceType.GetProperty pi.Name .GetValue this null null destinationType.GetProperty pi.Name .GetValue comparisonObject null null if..