

c# Programming Glossary: ilgenerator

General purpose FromEvent method


handler new DynamicMethod unnamed null parameterTypes ILGenerator ilgen handler.GetILGenerator TODO ilgen.Emit calls go here Delegate.. unnamed null parameterTypes ILGenerator ilgen handler.GetILGenerator TODO ilgen.Emit calls go here Delegate dEmitted handler.CreateDelegate.. unnamed returnType parameterTypesAr tcshType ILGenerator ilgen handler.GetILGenerator declare local variable of type..

Anyone know a quick way to get to custom attributes on an enum value?


be to Statically Emit the IL code using Dynamic Method and ILGenerator. Although I've only used this to GetPropertyInfo but can't see.. object target private static void EmitBoxIfNeeded ILGenerator ilGenerator System.Type type if type.IsValueType ilGenerator.Emit.. new Type typeof object propInfo.DeclaringType.Module ILGenerator ilGenerator dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator loads the object into..

Module initializers in C#


Get an IDataReader from a typed List


_ typeof void arguments propertyInfo.DeclaringType ILGenerator generator setter.GetILGenerator generator.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_0.. propertyInfo.DeclaringType ILGenerator generator setter.GetILGenerator generator.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_0 generator.Emit OpCodes.Castclass.. _ typeof object arguments propertyInfo.DeclaringType ILGenerator generator getter.GetILGenerator generator.DeclareLocal typeof..

c# Can I use reflection to inspect the code in a method?


can emit but not read IL with System.Reflection.Emit e.g. ILGenerator Class . Through MethodInfo.GetMethodBody you can get the binary..

Dynamically create a class in C#


MethodAttributes.HideBySig propertyType Type.EmptyTypes ILGenerator getIl getPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator getIl.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_0.. Type.EmptyTypes ILGenerator getIl getPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator getIl.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_0 getIl.Emit OpCodes.Ldfld fieldBuilder.. MethodAttributes.HideBySig null new propertyType ILGenerator setIl setPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator Label modifyProperty setIl.DefineLabel..

Fast creation of objects instead of Activator.CreateInstance(type)


DM OBJ_FACTORY_ objType.Name objType null objType ILGenerator ilGen dynMethod.GetILGenerator ilGen.Emit OpCodes.Newobj objType.GetConstructor.. objType null objType ILGenerator ilGen dynMethod.GetILGenerator ilGen.Emit OpCodes.Newobj objType.GetConstructor Type.EmptyTypes..