

c# Programming Glossary: kernel.bind

ASP.NET Web API binding with ninject


static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind.. Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind IHttpModule .To HttpApplicationInitializationHttpModule RegisterServices.. param private static void RegisterServices IKernel kernel kernel.Bind IConsumerRepository .To ConsumerRepository My controller looks..

Issue using ASP.Net MVC 4 Web API with Ninject.Web.WebApi


IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind.. Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind IHttpModule .To HttpApplicationInitializationHttpModule RegisterServices.. static void RegisterServices IKernel kernel Test binding kernel.Bind IStudentService .To StudentService My controller namespace..

With.Parameters.ConstructorArgument with ninject 2.0


CtorArgTestResolveAtGet IKernel kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind IWarrior .To Samurai var warrior kernel .Get IWarrior new ConstructorArgument.. IKernel kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind IWarrior .To Samurai .WithConstructorArgument weapon new Sword..

Ninject + MVC3 is not injecting into controller


static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind.. Func IKernel .ToMethod ctx new Bootstrapper .Kernel kernel.Bind IHttpModule .To HttpApplicationInitializationHttpModule RegisterServices.. Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly kernel.Load modules kernel.Bind MyApp.Domain.Tutor.TutorSearch .ToSelf var t kernel.Get MyApp.Presentation.Controllers.SearchController..

Dependency injection and named loggers


the current class name for the logger instance like this kernel.Bind ILogger .To NLogLogger .WithConstructorArgument currentClassName..

Validation: How to inject A Model State wrapper with Ninject?


this all working is setting up the Ninject configuration kernel.Bind IProductService .To ProductService kernel.Bind IProductRepository.. kernel.Bind IProductService .To ProductService kernel.Bind IProductRepository .To L2SProductRepository Func Type IValidator.. .MakeGenericType type return IValidator kernel.Get valType kernel.Bind IValidationProvider .ToConstant new ValidationProvider validatorFactory..