c# Programming Glossary: mcisendstring
Programatically ejecting and retracting the CD drive in vb.net or c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449410/programatically-ejecting-and-retracting-the-cd-drive-in-vb-net-or-c-sharp DllImport winmm.dll static extern Int32 mciSendString String command StringBuilder buffer Int32 bufferSize IntPtr.. Int32 bufferSize IntPtr hwndCallback To open the door mciSendString set CDAudio door open null 0 IntPtr.Zero To close the door mciSendString.. set CDAudio door open null 0 IntPtr.Zero To close the door mciSendString set CDAudio door closed null 0 IntPtr.Zero http www.geekpedia.com..
How do I record audio with C#/WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3694274/how-do-i-record-audio-with-c-wpf improve this question Probably the easiest is to use mciSendString function public class Program DllImport winmm.dll EntryPoint.. public class Program DllImport winmm.dll EntryPoint mciSendStringA CharSet CharSet.Ansi SetLastError true ExactSpelling true private.. true ExactSpelling true private static extern int mciSendString string lpstrCommand string lpstrReturnString int uReturnLength..
How can I determine the length of a .wav file in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82319/how-can-i-determine-the-length-of-a-wav-file-in-c share improve this question You may consider using the mciSendString ... function error checking is omitted for clarity using System.. SoundInfo DllImport winmm.dll private static extern uint mciSendString string command StringBuilder returnValue int returnLength IntPtr.. fileName StringBuilder lengthBuf new StringBuilder 32 mciSendString string.Format open 0 type waveaudio alias wave fileName null..
Best way to play MIDI sounds using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8763/best-way-to-play-midi-sounds-using-c-sharp this is c# you'd need the following import statement for mciSendString DllImport winmm.dll static extern Int32 mciSendString String.. for mciSendString DllImport winmm.dll static extern Int32 mciSendString String command StringBuilder buffer Int32 bufferSize IntPtr..