

c# Programming Glossary: baud

IO exception error when using serialport.open()


at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.InitializeDCB Int32 baudRate Parity parity Int32 dataBits StopBits stopBits Boolean discardNull.. System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor String portName Int32 baudRate Parity parity Int32 dataBits StopBits stopBits Int32 readTimeout.. are done with the property manager only difference is baud is set to 230400 all others are on their default . I can open..

SerialPort DataReceived event does not fire


r n static void Main string args string port COM4 int baud 9600 if args.Length 1 port args 0 if args.Length 2 baud int.Parse.. baud 9600 if args.Length 1 port args 0 if args.Length 2 baud int.Parse args 1 InitializeComPort port baud string text do.. 2 baud int.Parse args 1 InitializeComPort port baud string text do String mystring System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames..