

c# Programming Glossary: bf.serialize

C# Object Binary Serialization


new MemoryStream BinaryFormatter bf new BinaryFormatter bf.Serialize memorystream person How can I transform memorystream in a string..

Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient


MemoryStream BinaryFormatter bf new BinaryFormatter try bf.Serialize ms data catch return bytedata ms.ToArray try lock _tcpClient..

Saving a Class to disk on dispose: Does my code have bugs?


ms new MemoryStream BinaryFormatter bf new BinaryFormatter bf.Serialize ms this byte output Dostuff ms File.WriteAllBytes DBPATH output..

How to Implement Clone and Copy method inside a Class?


ms new MemoryStream BinaryFormatter bf new BinaryFormatter bf.Serialize ms this ms.Position 0 object obj bf.Deserialize ms ms.Close..

Saving content of a treeview to a file and load it later


FileMode.Create BinaryFormatter bf new BinaryFormatter bf.Serialize file tree.Nodes.Cast TreeNode .ToList public static void LoadTree..

C# Async Sockets Server Receive Problems


bf new BinaryFormatter MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream bf.Serialize ms message MyMessage new MyMessage something server.Socket.Send..

Passing object messages in Azure Queue Storage


using MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream ms.Position 0 bf.Serialize ms this output ms.GetBuffer return output public static T..

C# arrays , Getting a sub-array from an existing array


ms new MemoryStream var bf new BinaryFormatter bf.Serialize ms arrCopy ms.Position 0 return T bf.Deserialize ms This does..