

c# Programming Glossary: buf

Using .Net 4.5 Async Feature for Socket Programming


New client 0 connected clientIndex using client var buf new byte 4096 var stream client.GetStream while ct.IsCancellationRequested.. 15 var amountReadTask stream.ReadAsync buf 0 buf.Length ct var completedTask await Task.WhenAny timeoutTask.. 15 var amountReadTask stream.ReadAsync buf 0 buf.Length ct var completedTask await Task.WhenAny timeoutTask amountReadTask..

How can I write fast colored output to Console?


color and a foreground color and I would like to cache buffer write faster than using the mentioned methods. Maybe there.. mentioned methods. Maybe there is some help using the Out buffer but I don't know how to encode the colors into the stream.. for laying out the game. Please help Update The Out and buffer is probably not what I need to mess around with. There seems..

Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll


Stream outFile File.Create dllPath const int sz 4096 byte buf new byte sz while true int nRead stm.Read buf 0 sz if nRead.. 4096 byte buf new byte sz while true int nRead stm.Read buf 0 sz if nRead 1 break outFile.Write buf 0 nRead catch This.. int nRead stm.Read buf 0 sz if nRead 1 break outFile.Write buf 0 nRead catch This may happen if another process has already..

ebay api - returning auctions ending later than 10 days


sb new StringBuilder used on each read operation byte buf new byte 32768 try prepare the web page we will be asking.. string tempString null int count 0 do fill the buffer with data count resStream.Read buf 0 buf.Length make sure.. 0 do fill the buffer with data count resStream.Read buf 0 buf.Length make sure we read some data if count 0 translate..

How to use use late binding to get excel instance?


EnumChildProc int hwndChild ref int lParam StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder 128 GetClassName hwndChild buf 128 if buf.ToString.. buf new StringBuilder 128 GetClassName hwndChild buf 128 if buf.ToString EXCEL7 lParam hwndChild return false.. new StringBuilder 128 GetClassName hwndChild buf 128 if buf.ToString EXCEL7 lParam hwndChild return false return true..

Is it possible to execute an x86 assembly sequence from within C#?


bodyBuilder.Add 0xc3 byte body bodyBuilder.ToArray IntPtr buf VirtualAlloc IntPtr.Zero uint body.Length MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.. MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE Marshal.Copy body 0 buf body.Length IntReturner ptr IntReturner Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer.. ptr IntReturner Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer buf typeof IntReturner Console.WriteLine ptr share improve this..