

c# Programming Glossary: charset

How do you get total amount of RAM the computer has?


accurate results heh StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto private class MEMORYSTATUSEX public uint dwLength.. results heh StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto private class MEMORYSTATUSEX public uint dwLength public.. return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true static extern bool GlobalMemoryStatusEx..

check whether Internet connection is available with C#


0x40 class Program DllImport WININET CharSet CharSet.Auto static extern bool InternetGetConnectedState ref.. 0x40 class Program DllImport WININET CharSet CharSet.Auto static extern bool InternetGetConnectedState ref InternetConnectionState..

Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device


setupapi CallingConvention CallingConvention.Winapi CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true public static extern SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle.. CallingConvention CallingConvention.Winapi CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true public static extern SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle.. setupapi CallingConvention CallingConvention.Winapi CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool..

Using global keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL) in WPF / C#


curModule.ModuleName 0 DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx.. curModule.ModuleName 0 DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx.. lpfn IntPtr hMod uint dwThreadId DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError true return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool..

Getting the size of a field in bytes with C#


differ. For character types the size is affected by the CharSet value applied to that class. And again padding can make a difference...

How to simulate Mouse Click in C#?


public class Form1 Form DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall public.. public class Form1 Form DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto CallingConvention CallingConvention.StdCall public static..

Natural Sort Order in C#


function in your IComparer DllImport shlwapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode private static extern int StrCmpLogicalW string.. function in your IComparer DllImport shlwapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode private static extern int StrCmpLogicalW string psz1.. static class SafeNativeMethods DllImport shlwapi.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode public static extern int StrCmpLogicalW string..

Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#?


call GetLastError. returns DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool.. call GetLastError. returns DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool.. call GetLastError. returns DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode SetLastError true return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool..

Kill child process when parent process is killed


public class Job IDisposable DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode static extern IntPtr CreateJobObject object.. class Job IDisposable DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode static extern IntPtr CreateJobObject object a string..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


out IntPtr ppvSite StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Unicode public struct OLECMDTEXT public uint cmdtextf.. IntPtr ppvSite StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Unicode public struct OLECMDTEXT public uint cmdtextf public..

Clipboard event C#


you'll have to use some p invoke DllImport User32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto public static extern IntPtr SetClipboardViewer.. have to use some p invoke DllImport User32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto public static extern IntPtr SetClipboardViewer IntPtr hWndNewViewer..

Authenticate and request a user's timeline with Twitter API 1.1 oAuth


authRequest.ContentType application x www form urlencoded charset UTF 8 authRequest.AutomaticDecompression DecompressionMethods.GZip..

JQuery ajax call to httpget webmethod (c#) not working


AjaxGet data 'id' ' id ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json async false success function msg alert.. AjaxGet id idAsJson contentType application json charset utf 8 success function msg alert msg.d var msg d li1234 error.. AjaxGet id .toJSON id contentType application json charset utf 8 success function msg alert msg.d var msg d li1234 error..

Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet


SetEncodingFromHeader HttpWebResponse response string charset null if string.IsNullOrEmpty response.CharacterSet Match m.. Match m Regex.Match response.ContentType @ s charset s s charset . RegexOptions.IgnoreCase if m.Success charset.. Match m Regex.Match response.ContentType @ s charset s s charset . RegexOptions.IgnoreCase if m.Success charset m.Groups charset..

How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService?


instead .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 url http bmccorm xp HBUpsAddressValidation AddressValidation.asmx.. myData .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 url http bmccorm xp HBUpsAddressValidation AddressValidation.asmx..

using statement vs try finally


for the object Font font1 new Font Arial 10.0f try byte charset font1.GdiCharSet finally if font1 null IDisposable font1 .Dispose..

How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller?


'json' data .toJSON widgets contentType 'application json charset utf 8' success function result alert result.Result and my..

How to detect the character encoding of a text file?


C# client send SOAP request (and get results)?


WebRequest.Create soapMessage.Uri wr.ContentType text xml charset utf 8 wr.ContentLength soapMessage.ContentXml.Length wr.Headers.Add.. SOAPAction action webRequest.ContentType text xml charset utf 8 webRequest.Accept text xml webRequest.Method POST return..

How to login to wordpress programmatically?


Accept Encoding gzip deflate request.Headers Accept Charset windows 1251 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 string user test string pwd test..

How to connect and use Firebird db embedded server with Visual C# 2010


Database TEST.FDB DataSource Port 3050 Dialect 3 Charset UTF8 try con.Open catch Exception ex MessageBox.Show ex.ToString..

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest


Accept Encoding gzip deflate req.Headers.Add Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 req.KeepAlive true req.Headers.Add..

C# - Connection: keep-alive Header is Not Being Sent During HttpWebRequest


Accept Language en US en q 0.8 logIn6.Headers.Add Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.3 logIn6.AllowAutoRedirect false.. gzip deflate sdch Accept Language en US en q 0.8 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.3 Cookie xxx HTTP 1.1 302 Moved Temporarily.. gzip deflate sdch Accept Language en US en q 0.8 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.3 Host accounts.google.com HTTP 1.1..

MySQL C# Text Encoding Problems


collation i.e. utf8_general_ci or one of its relations Add Charset utf8 to your connection string. Server localhost Database test.. string. Server localhost Database test Uid test Pwd test Charset utf8 I'm not certain but the encoding may be case sensitive..

Returning Json instead of XML with Umbraco Base


sdch Accept Language en GB en US q 0.8 en q 0.6 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.3 Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId ys4mmhsn2mpqcpja1iyjg04m..