

c# Programming Glossary: cspparameters

Google OAuth2 Service Account Access Token Request gives 'Invalid Request' Response


as RSACryptoServiceProvider var cspParam new CspParameters KeyContainerName rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName KeyNumber..

How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA


1 const string CONTAINER_NAME KeyContainer CspParameters cspParams cspParams new CspParameters PROVIDER_RSA_FULL cspParams.KeyContainerName.. KeyContainer CspParameters cspParams cspParams new CspParameters PROVIDER_RSA_FULL cspParams.KeyContainerName CONTAINER_NAME.. 1 const string CONTAINER_NAME KeyContainer CspParameters cspParams cspParams new CspParameters PROVIDER_RSA_FULL cspParams.KeyContainerName..

Working with Registry in C# 2.0 (Windows Forms)


new ArgumentException Cannot encrypt using an empty key. CspParameters cspp new CspParameters cspp.KeyContainerName key RSACryptoServiceProvider.. Cannot encrypt using an empty key. CspParameters cspp new CspParameters cspp.KeyContainerName key RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa new RSACryptoServiceProvider.. ArgumentException Cannot decrypt using an empty key try CspParameters cspp new CspParameters cspp.KeyContainerName key RSACryptoServiceProvider..

Using a previously generated RSA public/private key with the .net framework


1 const string CONTAINER_NAME SpiderContainer CspParameters cspParams cspParams new CspParameters PROVIDER_RSA_FULL cspParams.KeyContainerName.. SpiderContainer CspParameters cspParams cspParams new CspParameters PROVIDER_RSA_FULL cspParams.KeyContainerName CONTAINER_NAME..

How can I sign a file using RSA and SHA256 with .NET?


rsacsp RSACryptoServiceProvider cert.PrivateKey CspParameters cspParam new CspParameters cspParam.KeyContainerName rsacsp.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName.. cert.PrivateKey CspParameters cspParam new CspParameters cspParam.KeyContainerName rsacsp.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName..