

c# Programming Glossary: customername

Property(with no extra processing) vs public field


with no other processing I mean this way public string CustomerName vs private string customerName public string CustomerName get.. CustomerName vs private string customerName public string CustomerName get return customerName set string value this.customerName value.. need the whole of the latter block in C# 3 public string CustomerName get set See my article on Why Properties Matter for more information...

How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>? [duplicate]


For e.g. in CustomerEntity class I have CustomerId and CustomerName properties.If my DataReader returns these two columns as data.. Field œid public int CustomerId Field œname public string CustomerName ... using DataReader reader ... List CustomerDTO customers reader.AutoMap..

DataGridView Column sorting with Business Objects


ExternalStatusFriendly job.ExternalStatusFriendly CustomerName job.Customer.Name CustomerKey job.Customer.CustomerKey WorkAddress.. ExternalStatusFriendly get private set public string CustomerName get private set public string CustomerKey get private set public..

ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString


customers in this list box are in this format CustomerID CustomerName for example 004540 NorthWind Traders The native WinForms combobox.. to be able to do is to either type of the CustomerID or CustomerName as senior users are familiar with most CustomerIDs while new.. new recruits would benefit from being able to type the CustomerName in and get the AutoComplete anyway. That means that I actually..

generic GetById for complex PK


as primary key example table Customers have CompanyId CustomerName Address CreateDate . The primary key of Customers are CompanyId.. . The primary key of Customers are CompanyId are CustomerName. I am looking for generic GetById that will know to handle also..

Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement


from i in c.Invoices select new InvoiceIndex Id i.Id CustomerName i.Customer.Name Attention i.Attention Total i.Lines.Sum l.. Attention i.Attention Memo i.Memo Posted i.Created CustomerName i.Customer.Name Salesman i.Salesman.Name Total Invoice.Total.Invoke.. from i in c.Invoices select new InvoiceIndex Id i.Id CustomerName i.Customer.Name Attention i.Attention Total i.Lines.AsQueryable..

Data is not inserting into table?


My table name is Customer . It has four columns CustomerId CustomerName CustomerAddress PhoneNo This is my c# code. I am not getting.. try myConnection.Open string query insert into Customer CustomerName CustomerAddress PhoneNo values @CustNm '@CustAdd' @Ph SqlCommand.. myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue CustNm Print 0 .CustomerName myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue CustAdd Print 0 .Address myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue..