

c# Programming Glossary: datetime.now.subtract

HttpWebRequests sends parameterless URI in Authorization header


Auth header re use it if string.IsNullOrEmpty _cnonce DateTime.Now.Subtract _cnonceDate .TotalHours 1.0 request.Headers.Add Authorization..

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0


EXCEL foreach Process process in processes if DateTime.Now.Subtract process.StartTime .Seconds 15 process.Kill break wordDocument.Close..

Is it possible to programmatically generate an X509 certificate using only C#?


DateTime.Now.AddYears 100 gen.SetNotBefore DateTime.Now.Subtract new TimeSpan 7 0 0 0 gen.SetSignatureAlgorithm MD5WithRSA ..

Programmatically find when the ASP.NET worker process and app domain last started?


Process.GetProcessesByName WebDev.WebServer Response.Write DateTime.Now.Subtract p.StartTime .ToString br Response.Write DateTime.Now.Subtract.. p.StartTime .ToString br Response.Write DateTime.Now.Subtract DateTime Application StartTime .ToString I'm also able to obtain..

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#


cmd.Dispose double elapsedTimeInSeconds DateTime.Now.Subtract start .TotalSeconds Console.WriteLine Append took 0 seconds.. dr da.Update dt conn.Close double elapsedTimeInSeconds DateTime.Now.Subtract start .TotalSeconds Console.WriteLine Append took 0 seconds.. accApplication null double elapsedTimeInSeconds DateTime.Now.Subtract start .TotalSeconds Console.WriteLine Append took 0 seconds..