

c# Programming Glossary: en.wikipedia.org

How can a Word document be created in C#? [closed]


higher. Office Open XML Iinformation Office Open XML http en.wikipedia.org wiki Office 5FOpen 5FXML OpenXML Developer http openxmldeveloper.org..

speech recognition from audio file instead of microphone


http msdn.microsoft.com en us magazine cc163663.aspx http en.wikipedia.org wiki Speech_Application_Programming_Interface http msdn.microsoft.com..

Card Shuffling in C#


Random r new Random Based on Java code from wikipedia http en.wikipedia.org wiki Fisher Yates_shuffle static public void Shuffle int deck..

Parse JSON in C#


countries. GsearchResultClass GwebSearch unescapedUrl http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese url http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese visibleUrl.. unescapedUrl http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese url http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese visibleUrl en.wikipedia.org cacheUrl http www.google.com.. Cheese url http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese visibleUrl en.wikipedia.org cacheUrl http www.google.com search q u003dcache n9icdgMlCXIJ..

How to convert a Unicode character to its ASCII equivalent


following No formal standard existed for these a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Extended_ASCII extended character sets IBM merely referred..

How to intersect two polygons?


http cs1.bradley.edu public jcm weileratherton.html http en.wikipedia.org wiki Weiler Atherton The details as they say are too dense to..

Graph nodes coordinates evaluation [closed]


which could on dot file and speciefied layout http en.wikipedia.org wiki DOT_language give me conformity of graph nodes and 2D points...

Options for embedding Chromium instead of IE WebBrowser control with WPF/C#


applications using CEF on the CEF wikipedia page http en.wikipedia.org wiki Chromium_Embedded_Framework#Applications_using_CEF Updating..

How to find difference between two strings?


diff share improve this question Check this out http en.wikipedia.org wiki Diff#Algorithm Also http en.wikipedia.org wiki Longest_common_subsequence_problem.. out http en.wikipedia.org wiki Diff#Algorithm Also http en.wikipedia.org wiki Longest_common_subsequence_problem There is also an implementation..

What is a callback?


that is passed as an argument to other code. a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Callback_ 28computer_science 29 Wikipedia Callback computer..

What is F#? What can it do that C# can't? [closed]


en us um cambridge projects fsharp and this http en.wikipedia.org wiki F_Sharp_ programming_language and this http msdn.microsoft.com..

Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class?


of reflection or miss something else please write http en.wikipedia.org wiki Reflection_ 28computer_science 29 Edit If relection breaks..

Hosting external app in WPF window


is a link to what is Object Linking and Embedding http en.wikipedia.org wiki Object_Linking_and_Embedding If you read this article you..

How can I run another application within a panel of my C# program?


WinForms . Here's a link to OLE info to get started http en.wikipedia.org wiki Object_Linking_and_Embedding share improve this answer..

How to know the repeating decimal in a fraction?


get the repeated number. I'm checking this web site http en.wikipedia.org wiki Repeating_decimal public decimal RepeatingDecimal if IsRepeatingDecimal..