

c# Programming Glossary: files.length

file exists by file name pattern


Using a Background Worker - Update a ProgressBar on the progress of a Recursive Method


long sum 0 int countDown 0 for int i 0 i files.Length i sum files i .Length countDown if progressCallback null countDown.. null countDown 0 countDown 100 progressCallback float i files.Length return sum It's hard to guess progress without knowing the..

Sending Files using HTTP POST in c# [closed]


boundarybytes 0 boundarybytes.Length for int i 0 i files.Length i string header string.Format headerTemplate file i files i..

Access to Modified Closure


this is an access to modified closure for int i 0 i files.Length i Resharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure if Array.Exists..

Find number of files in all subdirectories


WPF loading animation on a separate UI thread? (C#)


private void PopulateFiles string files for int i 0 i files.Length i FileInfo tempFileInfo new FileInfo files i bool isSystem..

Can't connect to FTP: (553) File name not allowed


true request.Timeout 60000 2 for int fl 0 fl files.Length fl request.KeepAlive files.Length fl stream File.OpenRead.. 2 for int fl 0 fl files.Length fl request.KeepAlive files.Length fl stream File.OpenRead Path.Combine dir files fl reqStream..