

c# Programming Glossary: fixing

Editing dictionary values in a foreach loop


existing key within the foreach loop. Any suggestions re fixing my code would be appreciated. Dictionary string int colStates.. there's only one version number. The normal way of fixing this sort of thing is to either copy the collection of keys..

Writing C# Plugin System


is that exception I'm getting and how could I go about fixing it Excuse me if I sound newbish FINAL EDIT Ok so I decided to..

Entity Framework initialization is SLOW — what can I do to bootstrap it faster?


closely yet. EDIT3 Happily it looks like work in EF6 is fixing this code http entityframework.codeplex.com discussions 396130..

Install to same path when upgrading application


and merge modules. Then simply follow this setup project fixing the location of installed kit Another way you could do this..

Has foreach's use of variables been changed in C# 5?


change but in the vast majority of cases the break will be fixing rather than causing bugs. I have not been able to find anything..

Long load time in Visual Studio for Large Project


methods. They found a similar problem with VS2010 but are fixing it now. Unfortunately they are not going to fix it in VS2008..

Why cannot C# generics derive from one of the generic type parameters like they can in C++ templates? [duplicate]


it greatly. EDIT I would like to know of a hard core issue fixing which yields such a high price on implementing this feature..

How can I get .Net to save this image?


in .Net so I can work with it I need to resize it without fixing the problem at the source Full exception details source System.Drawing..

Where to learn about VS debugger 'magic names'


264 are used for temporaries involving the fixed statement fixing a string. Special compiler generated names are generated for..

“Treat all warnings as errors except…” in Visual Studio


Obsolete warning is very different from this. Sometimes fixing it means just consuming a new method signature. But if an entire..

How do I set Network Management settings or make the dialog appear in C# on Windows Mobile?


on the Network Management screen are set to Usually fixing a customer's connectivity problems involves fiddling with these..

Why can't the C# constructor infer type?


has to be better than spending that time and effort on bug fixing performance work and other possible areas that we could put..

Winforms Double Buffering


a delay. Eliminating the visible paint artifacts. Really fixing the delay requires not using controls. Which you'd do by using..

Suppressing “is never used” and “is never assigned to” warnings in C#


It is always best to try to treat the warnings by fixing their cause instead of just blindly removing them from the build..

C# (.NET) Design Flaws [closed]


new string int I also agree with another poster here about fixing events both for empty event lists and in the concurrent setting..

Combining two expressions (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)


they use the same parameter instance if not they need fixing ParameterExpression param expr1.Parameters 0 if ReferenceEquals..

When should I use a CompiledQuery?


tuning generally avoid it until you're sure you're fixing an actual performance hotspot. 2012 Update EF 5 will do this..

Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality?


true I don't question the usefulness of this method for fixing up illegal calls in legacy code but what about new code Is it..

Cascade delete in entity framework ( table per type inheritance )


a1 should delete from both A and A1 table thereby fixing the problem of the orphaned records in table A . Unfortunately..