

c# Programming Glossary: idependencyresolver

Issue using ASP.Net MVC 4 Web API with Ninject.Web.WebApi


that install Ninject.MVC3. Now you will need a homebrewed IDependencyResolver and IDependencyScope. I posted a walkthrough here http www.strathweb.com..

IoC: Castle Windsor and WebAPI


well using Castle Windsor talking about problems with the IDependencyResolver and IDependencyScope . There are several workarounds and implementations..

MVC3 + Ninject - How to?


MyDependencyResolver.cs public class MyDependencyResolver IDependencyResolver private IKernel kernel public MyDependencyResolver IKernel kernel..

Is IDependencyResolver an anti-pattern?


IDependencyResolver an anti pattern I am designing some architectural changes into.. for dependency resolution that mimic the ASP.NET MVC's IDependencyResolver. I won't post because it is pretty much the same interface but.. dependency resolution implementation. Is the ASP.NET MVC's IDependencyResolver considered an anti pattern Is it a bad thing c# asp.net mvc..