

c# Programming Glossary: ipendpoint

Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example


static void Main string args serverSocket.Bind new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 8080 serverSocket.Listen 128 serverSocket.BeginAccept.. SocketType.Stream ProtocolType.IP serverSocket.Bind new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 8080 serverSocket.Listen 128 serverSocket.BeginAccept..

How to config socket connect timeout in C#


serverIp int iPortNo System.Convert.ToInt16 serverPort IPEndPoint ipEnd new IPEndPoint ip iPortNo m_clientSocket.Connect ipEnd.. System.Convert.ToInt16 serverPort IPEndPoint ipEnd new IPEndPoint ip iPortNo m_clientSocket.Connect ipEnd if m_clientSocket.Connected..

How to Query an NTP Server using C#?


UDP port number assigned to NTP is 123 var ipEndPoint new IPEndPoint addresses 0 123 NTP uses UDP var socket new Socket AddressFamily.InterNetwork..

Websocket server: onopen function on the web socket is never called


SocketType.Stream ProtocolType.IP IPEndPoint ep new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Parse 8181 listener.Bind.. SocketType.Stream ProtocolType.IP IPEndPoint ep new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Parse 8181 listener.Bind ep listener.Listen..

How to convert a structure to a byte array in C#?


SendTo IPAddress IP new IPAddress new byte 172 24 18 240 IPEndPoint IPEP new IPEndPoint IP 139 Local IP for Receiving IPEndPoint.. new IPAddress new byte 172 24 18 240 IPEndPoint IPEP new IPEndPoint IP 139 Local IP for Receiving IPEndPoint Local new IPEndPoint.. IPEP new IPEndPoint IP 139 Local IP for Receiving IPEndPoint Local new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 0 EndPoint EP EndPoint Local..

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


has a ServicePoint Property which in turn has BindIPEndPointDelegate which may be what you're looking for. Give me a minute.. http stackoverflow.com req.ServicePoint.BindIPEndPointDelegate delegate ServicePoint servicePoint IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint.. delegate ServicePoint servicePoint IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint int retryCount if remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily..

Identifying active network interface


u new UdpClient remoteAddress 1 IPAddress localAddr IPEndPoint u.Client.LocalEndPoint .Address Now if you want the NetworkInterface..

When to use ref and when it is not necessary in C#


the following function. byte received_s new byte 2048 IPEndPoint tmpIpEndPoint new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any UdpPort_msg EndPoint.. byte received_s new byte 2048 IPEndPoint tmpIpEndPoint new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any UdpPort_msg EndPoint remoteEP tmpIpEndPoint int..

Sending and receiving UDP packets between two programs on the same computer


with C# using System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient and System.Net.IPEndPoint . This works fine during our group's meetings when we have multiple.. It can be done very easily. Please vode sipwiz's answer up IPEndPoint localpt new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 6000 Failed try try var.. Please vode sipwiz's answer up IPEndPoint localpt new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 6000 Failed try try var u new UdpClient 5000..