

c# Programming Glossary: isvaluetype

Comparing 2 objects and retrieve a list of fields with different values


typeof List string .GetConstructor Type.EmptyTypes bool isValueType typeof T .IsValueType OpCode callType isValueType OpCodes.Call.. bool isValueType typeof T .IsValueType OpCode callType isValueType OpCodes.Call OpCodes.Callvirt var add typeof List string .GetMethod.. case TypeCode.UInt32 case TypeCode.UInt64 if isValueType il.Emit OpCodes.Ldarga_S byte 0 else il.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_0..

Raise event in high resolution interval/timer


Most efficient way to check if an object is a value type


SEE ANTHONY'S COMMENTS Which is faster 1. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj is ValueType 2. public bool IsValueType T.. IsValueType T T obj return obj is ValueType 2. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj null false obj.GetType .IsValueType 3. public.. IsValueType T T obj return obj null false obj.GetType .IsValueType 3. public bool IsValueType T T obj return default T null 4.Something..