

c# Programming Glossary: itemssource

SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview


and therefore unusable. This is what I want to do TreeView ItemsSource Binding Path Model.Clusters ItemTemplate StaticResource ClusterTemplate.. Edit Ok this is the way that I solved this TreeView ItemsSource Binding Path Model.Clusters ItemTemplate StaticResource HoofdCLusterTemplate..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


s by providing the ListBox with an ItemTemplate ListBox ItemsSource Binding ListBox.ItemTemplate DataTemplate Border BorderThickness..

WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections


DataGrid DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections Situation I've created.. Situation I've created a DataGrid in XAML and the ItemsSource is binded to an ObservableCollection of a certain class that.. 5 Height 100 HorizontalAlignment Stretch FontWeight Normal ItemsSource Binding Path OperationsStats AlternatingRowBackground DynamicResource..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


Top Content HorizontalAlignment Right ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding Contents Style StaticResource LogViewerStyle Grid.Row.. StringFormat ' 0 Items' DockPanel.Dock Top ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding Style StaticResource LogViewerStyle ItemsControl.Template..

How do you disable Aero Snap in an application?


Margin 5 Grid x Name root ItemsControl ItemsSource StaticResource TextBlockList Grid Border Grid Window You can..

How do I build a DataTemplate in c# code?


this question Assuming that you've already set up the ItemsSource etc for drpCreditCardNumberWpf ... create the data template..

How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate?


VerticalAlignment Stretch HorizontalAlignment Stretch ItemsSource Binding Contacts Margin 0 36 0 0 SelectionChanged ContactListBox_SelectionChanged..

Binding WPF ComboBox to a Custom List


to update the SelectedItem SelectedValue. The ComboBox ItemsSource is bound to a property on a ViewModel class that lists a bunch.. The ComboBox XAML looks something like this ComboBox ItemsSource Binding Path PhonebookEntries DisplayMemberPath Name SelectedValuePath.. Then XAML DataTemplate x Key listTemplate Grid ComboBox ItemsSource Binding Path PhonebookEntries DisplayMemberPath Name SelectedValuePath..

populate treeview from list of file paths in wpf


DataType x Type Model DirectoryItem ItemsSource Binding Items TextBlock Text Binding Path Name ToolTip Binding.. Path DataTemplate Window.Resources Grid Margin 8 TreeView ItemsSource Binding Grid Window All of the magic really happens with the..

Managing multiple selections with MVVM


supporting sorting and filtering to a list in WPF ListView ItemsSource Binding Path OrdersView IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem True This..

Is it possible to bind a Canvas's Children property in XAML?


ViewModel's ObservableCollection of data models to their ItemsSource property and use DataTemplates to handle how each of the items..