

c# Programming Glossary: lat

How do I find the lat/long that is x km north of a given lat/long


do I find the lat long that is x km north of a given lat long I have some C#.. do I find the lat long that is x km north of a given lat long I have some C# code that generates google maps. This codes.. This requires an algorithm to take a point x and calculate the point y that would be z metres north of x and also z metres..

Calculate endpoint given distance, bearing, starting point


endpoint given distance bearing starting point I am trying.. to find the destination point given a starting point lat long bearing distance. The calculator from this website below.. given a starting point lat long bearing distance. The calculator from this website below gives me the desired results. http..

JSON formatter in C#?


short_name US types country political geometry location lat 40.7143528 lng 74.0059731 location_type APPROXIMATE viewport.. 74.0059731 location_type APPROXIMATE viewport southwest lat 40.5788964 lng 74.2620919 northeast lat 40.8495342 lng 73.7498543.. viewport southwest lat 40.5788964 lng 74.2620919 northeast lat 40.8495342 lng 73.7498543 bounds southwest lat 40.4773990 lng..

How do I find the lat/long that is x km north of a given lat/long


are 1000s of km adrift. This is the Generic example Lat lon given radial and distance A point lat lon is a distance.. Decimal lat 0.0 Decimal lng 0.0 lat Math.Asin Math.Sin _pt.Lat Math.Cos _distance Math.Cos _pt.Lat Math.Sin _distance Math.Cos.. Math.Asin Math.Sin _pt.Lat Math.Cos _distance Math.Cos _pt.Lat Math.Sin _distance Math.Cos _bearing if Math.Cos lat 0 lng..

Mocking a DataReader and getting a Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException: IDisposable.Dispose(); Expected #0, Actual #1


City reader City .ToString State reader State .ToString Lat Convert.ToInt32 reader LAT Lon Convert.ToInt32 reader LON.. City reader City .ToString State reader State .ToString Lat Convert.ToInt32 reader LAT Lon Convert.ToInt32 reader LON ..

Geographic Midpoint between two coordinates


posA.Longitude double Bx Math.Cos DegreesToRadians posB.Latitude Math.Cos dLon double By Math.Cos DegreesToRadians posB.Latitude.. Math.Cos dLon double By Math.Cos DegreesToRadians posB.Latitude Math.Sin dLon midPoint.Latitude RadiansToDegrees Math.Atan2.. DegreesToRadians posB.Latitude Math.Sin dLon midPoint.Latitude RadiansToDegrees Math.Atan2 Math.Sin DegreesToRadians posA.Latitude..

Mysql Haversine Procedure (radius)using a center point


example with SQL and Java code here http janmatuschek.de LatitudeLongitudeBoundingCoordinates In summary it says the following.. combining the conditions with AND SELECT FROM Places WHERE Lat 1.2393 AND Lat 1.5532 AND Lon 1.8184 AND Lon 0.4221 AND acos.. with AND SELECT FROM Places WHERE Lat 1.2393 AND Lat 1.5532 AND Lon 1.8184 AND Lon 0.4221 AND acos sin 1.3963 sin..