

c# Programming Glossary: lng

How do I find the lat/long that is x km north of a given lat/long


_pt int _distance int _bearing Decimal lat 0.0 Decimal lng 0.0 lat Math.Asin Math.Sin _pt.Lat Math.Cos _distance Math.Cos.. Math.Sin _distance Math.Cos _bearing if Math.Cos lat 0 lng _pt.Lng endpoint a pole else lng _pt.Lng Math.Asin Math.Sin.. if Math.Cos lat 0 lng _pt.Lng endpoint a pole else lng _pt.Lng Math.Asin Math.Sin _bearing Math.Sin _distance Math.Cos..

Finding clients location in an ASP.NET page


US countryAbbrev Co ordinates are available as lng lat ipLocation gml PointProperty gml Point srsName http www.opengis.net..

JSON formatter in C#?


types country political geometry location lat 40.7143528 lng 74.0059731 location_type APPROXIMATE viewport southwest lat.. APPROXIMATE viewport southwest lat 40.5788964 lng 74.2620919 northeast lat 40.8495342 lng 73.7498543 bounds southwest.. lat 40.5788964 lng 74.2620919 northeast lat 40.8495342 lng 73.7498543 bounds southwest lat 40.4773990 lng 74.2590900 northeast..