

c# Programming Glossary: marshal.ptrtostructure

How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET?


the structure information. table index MIB_IPNETROW Marshal.PtrToStructure new IntPtr currentBuffer.ToInt64 index Marshal.SizeOf typeof..

How do you retrieve a list of logged-in/connected users in .NET?


i 0 i sessionCount i WTS_SESSION_INFO si WTS_SESSION_INFO Marshal.PtrToStructure System.IntPtr currentSession typeof WTS_SESSION_INFO currentSession..

A C# equivalent of C's fread file i/o


pByteData hByteData.AddrOfPinnedObject this foobarStruct Marshal.PtrToStructure pByteData this.GetType hByteData.Free The reason I have two.. GCHandle.Alloc mBuffer GCHandleType.Pinned try retval T Marshal.PtrToStructure hdl.AddrOfPinnedObject typeof T finally hdl.Free return retval..

How to get the logon SID in c#


retVal string.Empty TOKEN_GROUPS groups TOKEN_GROUPS Marshal.PtrToStructure TokenInformation typeof TOKEN_GROUPS int sidAndAttrSize Marshal.SizeOf.. i SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES sidAndAttributes SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Marshal.PtrToStructure new IntPtr TokenInformation.ToInt64 i sidAndAttrSize IntPtr.Size..

Reading a C/C++ data structure in C# from a byte array


GCHandle.Alloc buff GCHandleType.Pinned MyStuff NewStuff Marshal.PtrToStructure handle.AddrOfPinnedObject typeof NewStuff handle.Free Is there.. bytes GCHandleType.Pinned NewStuff stuff NewStuff Marshal.PtrToStructure handle.AddrOfPinnedObject typeof NewStuff handle.Free return.. handle GCHandle.Alloc bytes GCHandleType.Pinned T stuff T Marshal.PtrToStructure handle.AddrOfPinnedObject typeof T handle.Free return stuff..

Changing master volume level


int i 0 i mlc.cControls i MIXERCONTROL mxc MIXERCONTROL Marshal.PtrToStructure IntPtr int mlc.pamxctrl int mlc.cbmxctrl i typeof MIXERCONTROL.. MIXER.OBJECTF_MIXER VOLUME rtn VOLUME Marshal.PtrToStructure mcd.paDetails typeof VOLUME Marshal.FreeHGlobal mcd.paDetails..

How to convert a structure to a byte array in C#?


size Marshal.Copy arr 0 ptr size str CIFSPacket Marshal.PtrToStructure ptr str.GetType Marshal.FreeHGlobal ptr return str In your structure..

Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service


ptr SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION sd SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Marshal.PtrToStructure ptr typeof SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR result SetSecurityDescriptorDacl..

How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#


you could declare a struct with one property and then use Marshal.PtrToStructure but that would still require allocating unmanaged memory. Edit..

Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


ref nLength objBasic Win32API.OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION Marshal.PtrToStructure ipBasic objBasic.GetType Marshal.FreeHGlobal ipBasic IntPtr.. nLength objObjectType Win32API.OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION Marshal.PtrToStructure ipObjectType objObjectType.GetType if Is64Bits ipTemp new.. nLength objObjectName Win32API.OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION Marshal.PtrToStructure ipObjectName objObjectName.GetType if Is64Bits ipTemp new..

Instantiate an object with a runtime-determined type


getTypeFromEnum val structType myStruct structType Marshal.PtrToStructure IntPtr structType This is obviously not valid code but I hope..