

c# Programming Glossary: mcrypt_mode_cbc

Rijndael 256 Encrypt/decrypt between c# and php?


PHP var mcrypt_cipher MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 var mcrypt_mode MCRYPT_MODE_CBC function decrypt key iv encrypted encrypted base64_decode encrypted.. mcrypt_cipher MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 protected mcrypt_mode MCRYPT_MODE_CBC public function decrypt key iv encrypted iv_utf mb_convert_encoding..

Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP


mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 this securekey input MCRYPT_MODE_CBC this iv function decrypt input return trim mcrypt_decrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256.. MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 this securekey base64_decode input MCRYPT_MODE_CBC this iv cipher new Cipher HashPassPhrase encryptedtext cipher..

DES Encryption in PHP and C#


br encrypted_string mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_DES key string MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv return base64_encode encrypted_string But I can't find where..

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


php iv_size mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv 45287112549354892144548565456541 key anjueolkdiwpoida text.. crypttext mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 key text MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv crypttext urlencode crypttext crypttext64 base64_encode crypttext.. scheme block mcrypt_get_block_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC padding block strlen text block text . str_repeat chr padding..