

c# Programming Glossary: messenger

Yahoo Messenger Library C#


Java and C . Is there a library like this in C# c# yahoo messenger share improve this question Well I just created a working..

MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel


to move on from this. I have also tried using MVVM Light's messenger to no avail which still doesn't tackle the View ViewModel issue..

C# , detect selected text on windows?


do is highlight the text in any application word pdf live messenger etc and translate by google translate api return as a tool tips...

How do I update the parent viewmodel when child viewmodel is updated


where this approach might be more efficient than the messenger approach. You could extend the use of INotifyPropertyChanged..

How should I model my code to maximize code re-use in this specific situation?


of IVendorMessenger. public OutboxManager IVendorMessenger messenger _VendorMessenger messenger _OutboxMgrDataProvider new DefaultOutboxMgrDataProvider.. OutboxManager IVendorMessenger messenger _VendorMessenger messenger _OutboxMgrDataProvider new DefaultOutboxMgrDataProvider _ErrorLogger..

Changing color of scroll bar in ListView in WinForms


theme to winforms to whole to my application as in yahoo messenger digby etc. c# .net winforms listview scrollbar share improve..

Developing a Video Chat Application with high quality video streaming


3 Microsoft RTC Client up to version 1.3 core of windows messenger. pros managed samples from Microsoft good docs reliable performance..

A robust SMPP library for .NET [closed]


SMPP library for .NET closed I'm developing an online SMS messenger and looking for a scalable and robust SMPP library for .NET... should be able to reply to SMS msg received from my messenger. So I'm interested if anyone can recommend the library which..

Yahoo Messenger Library C#


Messenger Library C# I'm planning to create Yahoo Messenger bot using.. Messenger Library C# I'm planning to create Yahoo Messenger bot using C# but until now I cant find a reliable Yahoo Messenger.. bot using C# but until now I cant find a reliable Yahoo Messenger except in PHP Java and C . Is there a library like this in C#..

How do I show a taskbar notification in my C# application?


MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel


SimpleIoC and using GetInstance ... to request them out. Messenger class usage with a custom message type OpenWindowMessage Opening..

How do I update the parent viewmodel when child viewmodel is updated


changes. One easy way to do this is to use the MvvmCross Messenger plugin. This is the way the CollectABull service works in CollectionService.cs..

How to have multiple pairs “View-ViewModel”?


track multiple viewmodels. For instance you can have the Messenger class send a message to all instances of a given viewmodel class..

How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised?


pr new Process pr.StartInfo.FileName @ C Program Files Messenger msmsgs.exe pr.StartInfo.WindowStyle ProcessWindowStyle.Normal..

Creating an MVVM friendly dialog strategy


the app. I'm using MVVM Light and I'm fairly new to the Messenger class. Imagine a Master Details scenario where a list a objects..

How do I determine darker or lighter color variant of a given color?


selected color. Similar to effects used on Windows Live Messenger for styling the user interface. Language is C# with .net 3.5...