

c# Programming Glossary: mini

Allocating more than 1,000 MB of memory in 32-bit .NET process


000 MB of memory in my 32 bit .NET process. The following mini application throws an OutOfMemoryException after having allocated..

Mobile Device Detection in asp.net


new string iphone ppc windows ce blackberry opera mini mobile palm portable opera mobi string userAgent Request.UserAgent.ToString..

How much is there to LINQ?


point combinators Linq provides a complete functional mini language Linq raytracer . Note that Scala and F# both have similar..

In Protobuf-net how can I pass an array of type object with objects of different types inside, knowing the set of potential types in advance


are going to be sent to a remote host sort of a custom mini rpc facility . I know the set of types from which these parameters..

Good crash reporting library in c# [closed]


zip up general information about the computer and a crash mini dump file. I would also need a library that is free for commercial..

Mini MVC profiler: appears to be displaying profile times for every static resource


for every static resource I've just started using the mvc mini profiler http code.google.com p mvc mini profiler and I think.. using the mvc mini profiler http code.google.com p mvc mini profiler and I think it's awesome. However I'm getting some.. true Is this behaviour expected c# asp.net mvc mini profiler share improve this question Yes this is correct..

How can i detect if the request is coming from a mobile browser in my asp.net MVC 3


new string iphone ppc windows ce blackberry opera mini mobile palm portable opera mobi public static bool IsMobileDevice..