

c# Programming Glossary: mscorlib.dll

HttpClient request throws IOException


app in Main. It looks like the error is being thrown by mscorlib.dll Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error int errorCode string.. and there is no inner exxception etc.. The call stack is mscorlib.dll Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error int errorCode string.. int errorCode string str 0x189 bytes mscorlib.dll Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetValueKind string name 0x7f bytes..

Generating an Xml Serialization assembly as part of my build


of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information Could not load file or assembly 'MyAssembly.XmlSerializers..

Converting .NET App to x86 native code


CLR and Class Library assemblies like System.dll and mscorlib.dll much like .NET's class library assemblies installed to GAC ...

Type.GetType(“namespace.a.b.ClassName”) returns null


only works when the type is found in either mscorlib.dll or the currently executing assembly. If neither of those things..

Is there a list of changes for C#4.0 that work in .Net 3.5?


in the reference that defines System.Object usually mscorlib.dll . This allows you to use it to compile assemblies for 2.0 and..

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?


type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll An exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException'.. type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code My understanding of this is..

FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase


is thrown. The top of the call stack looks like this mscorlib.dll System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad System.Reflection.AssemblyName.. bool throwOnFileNotFound bool forIntrospection 0x2c bytes mscorlib.dll System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad System.Reflection.AssemblyName.. stackMark bool forIntrospection 0x80 bytes mscorlib.dll System.Reflection.Assembly.Load System.Reflection.AssemblyName..

Why is .NET exception not caught by try/catch block?


Native to Managed Transition Managed to Native Transition mscorlib.dll System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly string assemblyFile System.Security.Policy.Evidence.. 0x2b bytes mscorlib.dll System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context object state.. object state 0x3b bytes mscorlib.dll System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run System.Threading.ExecutionContext..

Free file locked by new Bitmap(filePath)


exception of type 'System.IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information The process cannot access the file A..

Can you compile C# so it doesn't need the .NET Framework at runtime?


can be found for your use. You can remove system.dll and mscorlib.dll from your references list and reference your own assemblies...

Avoiding first chance exception messages when the exception is safely handled


of type 'System.IO.EndOfStreamException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Is there a way to hide these first chance exception messages..

TargetedPatchingOptOut: “Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries”?


a security hole in String.Equals they cannot just update mscorlib.dll because that won't affect the assembly that you just NGen'd...

Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?


v3.5 var parameters new CompilerParameters new mscorlib.dll System.Core.dll foo.exe true parameters.GenerateExecutable true..