

c# Programming Glossary: myobj

readonly keyword does not make a List<> ReadOnly?


class MyList public static readonly SortedList int List myObj CharList ...etc. .. but even using readonly I can still add.. the list from another class MyList.CharList 100 new List myObj new myObj 30 30 or MyList.CharList.Add new List myObj new myObj.. from another class MyList.CharList 100 new List myObj new myObj 30 30 or MyList.CharList.Add new List myObj new myObj 30 30..

Difference between Activator.CreateInstance() and typeof(T).InvokeMember() with BindingFlags.CreateInstance


of type T what is the difference between the following T myObj Activator.CreateInstance T T myObj typeof T .InvokeMember null.. between the following T myObj Activator.CreateInstance T T myObj typeof T .InvokeMember null BindingFlags.CreateInstance null..

Invoking an ASP.NET web service method via an http request


I assume that I need to do something like this MyClass myObj XmlSerializer ser new XmlSerializer myObj.GetType TextWriter.. this MyClass myObj XmlSerializer ser new XmlSerializer myObj.GetType TextWriter writer new StringWriter ser.Serialize writer.. TextWriter writer new StringWriter ser.Serialize writer myObj string soapXml writer.ToString writer.Close Also I guess I should..

How To Test if Type is Primitive


Html tag. Type t typeof T I pass T in as a paramter where myObj is of type T tagBuilder.Attributes.Add class t.Name foreach.. prop in t.GetProperties object propValue prop.GetValue myObj null string stringValue propValue null propValue.ToString String.Empty..

Composite Key Dictionary


with items from the List MyClass MyClassList foreach var myObj in myClassList myClassIndex.Add Tuple.Create myObj.MyInt myObj.MyBool.. var myObj in myClassList myClassIndex.Add Tuple.Create myObj.MyInt myObj.MyBool myObj.MyString myObj MyClass myObj myClassIndex.. in myClassList myClassIndex.Add Tuple.Create myObj.MyInt myObj.MyBool myObj.MyString myObj MyClass myObj myClassIndex Tuple.Create..

Why can't the C# constructor infer type?


MyType T Create T T value return new MyType T value var myObj MyTypeFactory.Create 42 Is there a practical or philosophical..

How to call C# DLL function from VBScript


MyAssembly.dll and finally call it from VBScript dim myObj Set myObj CreateObject MyNamespace.MyObject share improve.. and finally call it from VBScript dim myObj Set myObj CreateObject MyNamespace.MyObject share improve this answer..

Deep cloning objects in C#


cloning objects in C# I want to do something like myObject myObj GetmyObj Create and fill a new object myObject newObj.. objects in C# I want to do something like myObject myObj GetmyObj Create and fill a new object myObject newObj myObj.Clone.. in C# I want to do something like myObject myObj GetmyObj Create and fill a new object myObject newObj myObj.Clone And..