

c# Programming Glossary: nunit.framework

Protobuf attributes with a hierarchy of generic classes


using System.Data using System.IO using NUnit.Framework using ProtoBuf TestFixture public class ComplexGenericTest Test..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


under Salient.Data. using System using System.Linq using NUnit.Framework namespace Salient.Data.Tests TestFixture public class EnumerableDataReaderEFFixture.. using System.Collections.Generic using System.Data using NUnit.Framework namespace Salient.Data.Tests public class DataObj public string..

Run Selenium tests in multiple browsers one after another from C# NUnit


the GoogleTest twice once in Firefox and once in IE. using NUnit.Framework using OpenQA.Selenium using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox using OpenQA.Selenium.IE..

C# object initialization of read only collection properties


using System using System.Collections.Generic using NUnit.Framework namespace WF4.UnitTest public class MyClass private List string..

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?


using System using System.IO using System.Reflection using NUnit.Framework using ExcelTools Ms.Office using Excel Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel..

How do I run NUnit in debug mode from Visual Studio?


Some.TestNamespace Testing framework includes using NUnit.Framework TestFixture public class FirFilterTest Test public void Test01_ConstructorTest..