

c# Programming Glossary: overlapped

Incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object field error


aligned or overlapped by a non object field error I'm trying to create the following.. an object field at offset 4 that is incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non object field. Does anyone know why this is causing..

Drawing image with additive blending


also has built in BlendStates you can use to specify how overlapped textures will be combined. I.e. BlendState.Additive see updated..

File.Copy vs. Manual FileStream.Write For Copying File


to file cases but do not use threads for this instead use overlapped io BeginRead EndRead BeginWrite EndWrite in .net and do not..

Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?


~ 512 bytes long byte buffer new byte 512 NativeOverlapped overlapped new NativeOverlapped NativeMethods.ReadFile fileHandle buffer.. fileHandle buffer buffer.Length IntPtr.Zero ref overlapped Pin it so we can transmogrify it into a FAT structure var handle.. .ToString X var seekIndex bootSector.GetMftAbsoluteIndex overlapped.OffsetHigh int seekIndex 32 overlapped.OffsetLow int seekIndex..

How to find the minimum covariant type for best fit between two types?


ty var ay ty.GetInterfaces var ax tx.GetInterfaces var overlapped az.GetOverlappedCount ax .CompareTo az.GetOverlappedCount ay.. ax .CompareTo az.GetOverlappedCount ay if 0 overlapped return overlapped else var occurrence az.GetOccurrenceCount.. az.GetOverlappedCount ay if 0 overlapped return overlapped else var occurrence az.GetOccurrenceCount tx .CompareTo az.GetOccurrenceCount..

Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry)


outBuffer uint outBufferSize ref uint bytesReturned IntPtr overlapped internal const uint FileAccessGenericRead 0x80000000 internal..

Panel.Dock Fill ignoring other Panel.Dock setting


the other docked controls into account and not just be overlapped by them. This can be confusing because the sibling order is..

Reuse asynchronous socket: subsequent connect attempts fail


as it doesn't enforce the thread must exist until after overlapped I O completes rule that previous operating systems enforce...