

c# Programming Glossary: pagenum

Cannot find the memory leak


Grid This is the .cs file const int PAGE_COUNT 42 int pageNum 0 public MainPage InitializeComponent RefreshImage private.. void btnPrev_Click object sender RoutedEventArgs e pageNum PAGE_COUNT pageNum 1 PAGE_COUNT cycle to prev image RefreshImage.. object sender RoutedEventArgs e pageNum PAGE_COUNT pageNum 1 PAGE_COUNT cycle to prev image RefreshImage private void btnNext_Click..

Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches


RankedSearchResults .Skip Settings.Default.ResultsPerPage pageNum 1 .Take Settings.Default.ResultsPerPage projectIDs index dto.ProjectID..

iTextSharp - How to get the position of word on a page


new MyTexExStrat PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage reader pageNum strat get the strings n rects from strat. public class MyTexExStrat..

Itextsharp text extraction


String pageText PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage myReader pageNum or String pageText PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage myReader.. String pageText PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage myReader pageNum new LocationTextExtractionStrategy Both require fairly recent..