

c# Programming Glossary: paramref

Password encryption/ decryption code in .NET


be used. remarks exception cref ArgumentNullException If paramref name plainText is a null reference. exception public string.. be used. remarks exception cref ArgumentNullException If paramref name cipher is a null reference. exception public string Decrypt..

Is there a Task based replacement for System.Threading.Timer?


see cref Task returns remarks Exceptions that occur in the paramref name action need to be handled in the action itself. These exceptions..

C#: How to make a form remember its Bounds and WindowState (Taking dual monitor setups into account)


public void Save See Note 2 summary Adds the given paramref key value to the collection of values that will be stored in.. Same as see cref Get T string T but uses default typeparamref name T as fallback value. summary typeparam name T Type of object.. Set T . param returns The stored object or the default typeparamref name T object if something went wrong. returns public T Get..