

c# Programming Glossary: providing

Open link in new TAB (WebBrowser Control)


the WebBrowser and intercept the NewWindow2 event while providing public access to the ActiveX Instance for passing into ppDisp..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


In WPF I can add whatever UI into ListBoxItem s by providing the ListBox with an ItemTemplate ListBox ItemsSource Binding..

What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed]


straight away without having to define any schemas upfront providing a major productivity boost. The beauty of Redis is that it's.. client redis client The client provides a rich interface providing wrappers for .NET's generic IList IDictionary and ICollection..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


with a high degree of discoverability you could consider providing Fluent Builders. Something like this public class MyFacade private..

Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? [closed]


towards a more strongly typed config now or at least providing the option but some people love putting all the config in XML..

Cancellation token in Task constructor: why?


state object or captured in a lambda. So what purpose does providing the cancellation token in the constructor serve c# .net 4.0..

Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden?


... return hash Oh for convenience you might also consider providing and operators when overriding Equals and GethashCode . A demonstration..

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed]


perhaps this limitation can be overcome by training and providing clear instructions on the page Finally when you export to the..

Model-View-Presenter in WinForms


to datagrid size etc Yes. Think about it as the presenter providing XML that describes data and the view that takes the data and..

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?


your true customers and you should focus your efforts on providing them with a good user experience and ignore the people cracking..

How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https?


You're doing it the correct way but users may be providing urls to sites that have invalid ssl certs installed. You can..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


.NET 4.0 will be installed on a user's computer EDIT I'm providing a 500 reputation bounty on this. I'm serious about learning..

Creating an MVVM friendly dialog strategy


should design your application as you wish. In the area providing a service showing dialogs there are two different approaches..

Lambda expression not returning expected MemberInfo


to have functionality where you can access the elements by providing a lambda expression. Restated code sample by Danny Chen public..

Managing multiple selections with MVVM


pattern. I'm using the following abstraction when providing a list and am interested in a single selected item. public ObservableCollection..

Data binding dynamic data


objects i.e. not lists . Implementing ITypedList and providing a PropertyDescriptor model is hard work... hence it is only..

Understanding WCF Windows Authentication


can be compared to a Membership provider providing username and password from a centralized location. It can be..

How can I make a .Net Winforms application that only runs in the System Tray?


that addresses these points and more in great detail providing a tray application framework that you can put to use immediately..

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?


adding MI added too much complexity to the languages while providing too little benefit . For a more fun and in depth read there..