

c# Programming Glossary: reader.readbytes

How convert byte array to string [duplicate]


value2 binWriter.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin byte result reader.ReadBytes int binWriter.BaseStream.Length I want to convert result to..

WebRequest POST with both file and parameters


reader new BinaryReader File.OpenRead myfile.pdf filedata reader.ReadBytes int reader.BaseStream.Length req.ContentLength byteArray.Length..

c#: how to read parts of a file? (DICOM)


reader.ReadUInt16 length reader.ReadUInt32 byte val reader.ReadBytes int length while g 2 fs.Close return The code does not actually..

Read binary file into a struct


BinaryReader reader new BinaryReader stream readBuffer reader.ReadBytes count GCHandle handle GCHandle.Alloc readBuffer GCHandleType.Pinned..

Improving performance of multithreaded HttpWebRequests in .NET


status code httpWebResponse.StatusCode byte response reader.ReadBytes int httpWebResponse.ContentLength httpWebResponse.Close It..

How to write contents of one file to another file?


writer new BinaryWriter writeStream writer.Write reader.ReadBytes stream.Length c# .net share improve this question using..

Write file from assembly resource stream to disk


Int32.MaxValue so no need to test for overflow byte chunk reader.ReadBytes int Math.Min bytesLeft 65536L writer.Write chunk bytesLeft..

how to write super fast file streaming code in C#?


reader.BaseStream.Seek offset SeekOrigin.Begin byte buffer reader.ReadBytes length BinaryWriter writer new BinaryWriter File.OpenWrite dstFile..