

c# Programming Glossary: sat

Trying to run multiple HTTP requests in parallel, but being limited by Windows (registry)


I could control this myself. So I tried this sat both to 20 restarted my computer and tried to run my program..

Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values


you don't appear to suggest correcting is that when the saturation 0 you set hue to 1. When you later multiply the hue by.. given by Photoshop's color picker aside from the compensation it does for color profiles . The major difference between.. blue h 60 red green delta 240 End Select ''# Calculate the saturation between 0 and 1 If maxValue 0 Then s 0 Else s 1D minValue..

How do you know what to test when writing unit tests?


problems when I first started because I was constantly sat there trying to figure out every possible problem that could..

Fuzzy Date Time Picker Control in C# .NET?


string dayList new List string sun mon tue wed thu fri sat static List IDateTimePattern parsers new List IDateTimePattern..