

c# Programming Glossary: searcher.filter

Can you find an Active Directory User's Primary Group in C#?


if aDomainEntry null searcher.SearchRoot aDomainEntry searcher.Filter objectCategory Group objectSID escapedGroupSid.ToString searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add..

How to check if Windows user account name exists in domain?


DirectorySearcher searcher new DirectorySearcher entry searcher.Filter sAMAccountName username SearchResult result searcher.FindOne..

How to find all groups in ActiveDirectory where the current user has WriteProperty access?


Apply some filter to focus on only some specfic objects searcher.Filter objectClass group name part_of_group_name return searcher var.. Apply some filter to focus on only some specfic objects searcher.Filter String.Format objectClass group name 0 groupNameContains return..

C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user?


searcher.ReferralChasing ReferralChasingOption.All searcher.Filter nCName firstPart nETBIOSName try SearchResultCollection rs.. want to look for the user whose login login is userName. searcher.Filter string.Format objectClass user sAMAccountName 0 userName try.. searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add sAMAccountName searcher.Filter string.Format objectClass user sAMAccountName 0 login SearchResult..

Using C#, how do you check if a computer account is disabled in active directory?


DirectorySearcher searcher new DirectorySearcher conn searcher.Filter samAccountName userA samAccountName userB searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add..