

c# Programming Glossary: security

C# - Correct Way to Load Assembly, Find Class and Call Run() Method


Now you can unload the assembly and have different security settings. If you want even more flexibility and power for dynamic..

How can I generate random 8 character, alphanumeric strings in C#?


use of the Random class makes this unsuitable for anything security related such as creating passwords or tokens. Use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider..

What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code


directly to a central database That seems like a HUGE security hole right there and bottleneck as it rules out server side..

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?


edited by Jeremy Wiebe to add example of setting up security for multi user usage edited by 'Marc' to work also on localized.. null MutexRights.FullControl AccessControlType.Allow var securitySettings new MutexSecurity securitySettings.AddAccessRule allowEveryoneRule.. var securitySettings new MutexSecurity securitySettings.AddAccessRule allowEveryoneRule mutex.SetAccessControl..

Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#?


the standard logon provider for the system. The default security provider is negotiate unless you pass NULL for the domain name.. default provider is NTLM. NOTE Windows 2000 NT The default security provider is NTLM. summary Default 0 summary Use this provider.. process can obtain information about the client such as security identifiers and privileges but it cannot impersonate the client...

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]


CAT.NET visual studio addin that helps identification of security flaws Quality Metric Tools NDepend great visual tool. Useful..

How can I create a Product Key for my C# App


the user having to type it . Beware of false sense of security though sooner or later someone will simply patch your program.. your scheme anything you do for this will ultimately be security through obscurity and they will always be able to this. Even..

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?


but it can't protect from breaking the piracy protection security of the application. How do I make sure that the application..

Windows Impersonation from C#


user XYZ when connecting to a db using windows integrated security . Most important of all Is there a way to do this without knowing..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


03 23 understanding ie10 enhanced protected mode network security addons cookies metro desktop.aspx IntPtr phKey new IntPtr var.. 03 23 understanding ie10 enhanced protected mode network security addons cookies metro desktop.aspx IntPtr phKey new IntPtr var..

Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials


then transfer it back. For various and sundry reasons our security network architects have rejected the first two approaches. The.. first two approaches. The second approach is obviously a security hole if the remote computer is compromised the local computer..

How to get a user's client IP address in ASP.NET?


use an annoymising proxy to further confound you for security or privacy reasons they route their web traffic via a proxy..

Replacing .NET WebBrowser control with a better browser, like Chrome?


with all that entails in terms of CSS screw ups potential security risks if the rendering engine wasn't patched can I really expect..

How to execute a stored procedure within C# program


new SqlConnection Server local DataBase master Integrated Security SSPI conn.Open SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand dbo.test conn..

How do you check for permissions to write to a directory or file?


answer to get rid of obsolete methods. You can use the Security namespace to check this public void ExportToFile string filename..

Detect Antivirus on Windows using C#


software installed in a machine using C# I know the Security Center detects antivirus software but how can you detect that.. improve this question According to Microsoft The Windows Security Center uses a two tiered approach for detection status. One.. Instrumentation WMI . In manual detection mode Windows Security Center searches for registry keys and files that are provided..

What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code


no procs to port Advantages for Stored Procs Performance Security c# sql sql server stored procedures share improve this question..

Hash and salt passwords in C#


to put them into text files. In my book Beginning ASP.NET Security oh finally an excuse to pimp the book I do the following static..

The underlying provider failed on Open


AttachDbFilename DataDirectory NData.mdf Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance True MultipleActiveResultSets.. Data Source . SQL2008 Initial Catalog NData Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance True MultipleActiveResultSets.. post the problem here is that they were using Integrated Security . If you are running on IIS your IIS user needs access to the..

Validate a username and password against Active Directory?


can you ask for Read all about it here Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5 MSDN docs on System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement..

Best Free Controls for .NET [closed]


FckEditor TinyMCE UserName Availability Control Webforms Security Kit Animation Loading Circle NeatUpload Various FileUpload Controls..

How do I execute a large SQL script (with GO commands) from c#?


c temp sqltest string sqlConnectionString Integrated Security SSPI Persist Security Info True Initial Catalog Northwind Data.. sqlConnectionString Integrated Security SSPI Persist Security Info True Initial Catalog Northwind Data Source local DirectoryInfo..

How to execute an .SQL script file using c#


sender EventArgs e string sqlConnectionString @ Integrated Security SSPI Persist Security Info False Initial Catalog ccwebgrity.. sqlConnectionString @ Integrated Security SSPI Persist Security Info False Initial Catalog ccwebgrity Data Source SURAJIT SQLEXPRESS..

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client


Data Source MyOracleServerName Integrated Security SSPI oOracleConn.Open Do Something oOracleConn.Close The error..