

c# Programming Glossary: servicecontrollerstatus.stopped

Stop/Start service in code in Windows 7


if sc.ServiceName MyServiceName sc.Stop sc.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped new TimeSpan 0 0 60 sc.Start I get InnerException System.InvalidOperationException..

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running


case ServiceControllerStatus.Running return Running case ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped return Stopped case ServiceControllerStatus.Paused return Paused..

cannot restart a Service


timeoutMilliseconds service.Stop service.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped timeout count the rest of the timeout int millisec2 Environment.TickCount.. timeoutMilliseconds if service.Status.Equals ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped service.Status.Equals ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending service.Stop.. service.Stop service.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped timeout count the rest of the timeout int millisec2 Environment.TickCount..

ServiceController permissions in Windows 7


XXXXXXXXXX controller.Stop controller.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped new TimeSpan 0 0 10 controller.Start But on Windows 7 even though..