

c# Programming Glossary: smtpclient.send

Send mail using localhost SMTP


new NetworkCredential uname pwd smtpClient.EnableSsl true smtpClient.Send mailMessage Now i am planning to use the localhost SMTP server..

How to send email in asp.net C#


Attaching Image in the body of mail in C#


new System.Net.NetworkCredential UserName Password smtpClient.Send message The code is fine as I am receiving the message also..

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird


message.Attachments.Add new Attachment attachmentFilename smtpClient.Send message Thanks for any help. c# email smtp attachment share..

How can I make SMTP authenticated in C#


your message body h1 message.To.Add to@anydomain.com try smtpClient.Send message catch Exception ex Error could not send the message..

How to send an email?


body var smtpClient new SmtpClient yoursmtphost smtpClient.Send message Remark1 In .NET 4.0 SmtpClient implements IDisposable..

The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated


To Suggestion Comments Subject message.ToString Body smtpClient.Send m c# asp.net mvc 2 smtp share improve this question Try..